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Eric Wagner's House

Interesting. Eric Wagner's old house in The Most Crucial Game is being rebuilt and will be on the market for a very reasonable.............$500,000,000. Looks like all those sports franchises paid off in the end for the Wagner dynasty.


Re: Eric Wagner's House

Crazy, isn't it? I hope they changed the water in the pool.

Re: Eric Wagner's House

$500 MILLION? NO way the place will run for HALF BILLION DOLLARS -- unless the sale includes the entire hill it sits on. Must be a typo, but what does Bloomberg have to do with it? I mean all I saw was a typical assault on lucid senses with fart.icles revolving around a media dog and pony show.

Re: Eric Wagner's House

The original post only had part of the URL. I'll try to put the whole thing here:

As yu suggested, I think it does include a lot of real estate, but even so -- sinking a half BILLION into a residence is insane. The realtor is probably on crack.

Re: Eric Wagner's House

Thanks for the updated link Ted. From the photos presented in the article, the absurd price tag makes a little more sense.

Who knows, maybe it will actually sell for that amount, but I still think the asking price is wallowing in fantasy land. My guess is they won't even bag half that(assuming its delusional investors can turn it over at all).

I mean, think about it folks ... how many plots of real estate can you think of have sold for a QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS, and what type of fool would it take to spend it on a plot of land anywhere near Southern California?