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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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A season for Columbo

Silly quiz time for cooks and crooks: What herb or seasoning would you pair with each Columbo villain and why? Puns allowed. Just have fun with it -- the correct answers are entirely in my mind.

Dick Van **** -- goes good with alibis
Ruth Gordon -- adventures in baby sitting
Martin Landau -- impossible answer
Laurence Harvey -- not so easy "pieces" (some translation needed)
Jack Cassidy -- a cool publisher
Eddie Albert -- perfect for a stewing sailor

Re: A season for Columbo

Good concept, Martin! Very clever. It does seems little odd that a show lasting as long as "Columbo" never got around to doing a "Christmas episode" -- that I recall. Some shows, it seems, can't get through even the first season withoout doiing a parody of "A Christmas Carol".

Re: A season for Columbo

I'm not good at matching characters with actual seasonings, but for Robert Conrad's Milo Janus it could be something health-conscious. And for Louis Jourdan's Paul Gerard and Martin Landau's Dexter Paris it could be almost the opposite, something as extravagant as possible.

Re: A season for Columbo

Laura got the Van D*** and Albert answers, quid quo pro the Gordon solution.

Of the remaining, the Cassidy clue is in his coolly villainous name, Landau's one-time partner was a spicy spy, and Harvey's Russian chessmaster gave him a fair "shake," putting him in a black mood.

Re: A season for Columbo

Yes, very odd, especially given Columbo's rather elfish nature. Betting the monthly nature and uncertain scheduling of the Columbo installments forced the network to avoid any seasonal elements.

Wouldn't Sebastian Cabot or Orson Welles have made a wonderful '70s-era villain, using his stowed Santa suit as a Chesterton's postman device to escape notice during a department store or office Christmas Party murder?

Have a wonderful New Year, if you haven't already. I may block out tomorrow entirely for the NY Columbo Marathon on MeTV...

Re: A season for Columbo

Fun quiz...and hard!

Dick Van **** -- goes good with alibis

Probably this one is "thyme," since Paul Galesko used the wrong time as his alibi?

Ruth Gordon -- I don't know
Martin Landau -- I don't know
Laurence Harvey -- I don't know

Jack Cassidy -- When you say "cool," I think of "chilly," so I will guess chili powder?

Eddie Albert -- perfect for a stewing sailor....The only sailing-related spice I can think of would be "bay leaves," since ships dock/sail in the bay?

Probably I am wrong, but this was fun...Thank you!

Re: A season for Columbo

Nailed the Dick Van D*** and Eddie Albert answers! Great guess on Jack Cassidy, though I was going somewhere else. More clues: The Cassidy clue is in his villainous name, Landau's one-time partner was a spicy spy, and Harvey's Russian chessmaster gave him a fair "shake."

Re: A season for Columbo

Pepper for Harvey?

Re: A season for Columbo

Neat idea!

Ruth Gordon would be rosemary (Rosemary'baby).

My mission is now to find Martin Landau's seasoning.

Re: A season for Columbo

Bingo!! Good job!