The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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"Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Hello to all Columbo's fans all over the world.

So, there's one thing that bothers me about "Murder in Malibu", especially as I seem the only one bothered by it. Which bothers me all the more so.

All the topics about "Murder in Malibu" are about the bad acting, weak plot, unclear motives, ridiculous case solving...
But no one talks about the "alibi" of the murderer.


Wayne candidly confesses his crime because he knows she was already dead.
And indeed, Columbo let him free saying "There's no crime in shooting a dead body".

Huh, really lieutenant?

Technically it's not a murder but I'm pretty sure it's enough to put you in troubles. After all, it's only a "non-murder by mistake". He didn't know she was dead right? He shot her, with a gun, thinking she was alive. A death threat is enough to put you in jail, even if you didn't actually mean it. What should we think of a guy who coldly shot his fiancee over a break up phone call?

No seriously, legal expert of this forum, what do you think of it?

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Heh -- not my favorite episode! The legal question is one that you likely would hear in law school, in part because there is not really an easy, definite answer. But I would say that, if the shooter believes the person is alive, and does the shooting, then he is guilty of attempted murder. Some discussions here, if you don't mind copy-pasting:

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Isn't there laws in regards to notifying or disposing a corpse in dignified and respectful manner?

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Absolutely, and that would be the minimum of his guilt -- it just seems like small stuff compared to trying to murder someone, and even believing you were doing so.

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Since MeTV began airing the ABC installments, I've managed to put my biases aside long enough to make it about as far as an hour into a couple of the eps, but I'll never understand how any fan groomed on the original series can stand to watch an aged Falk butcher his own character.

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

"how any fan groomed on the original series can stand to watch an aged Falk butcher his own character"

Yeah there are only a few 2.0 shows where this is a problem, Columbo being a dopey grampa. Otherwise, I must admit, they are still mostly very good productions - the later shows I mean.

But yeah, some of those episodes where he's acting completely out of character from 1.0 are a serious distraction. Some of the more poignant moments are laughable, where he's acting like some squinty-eyed Italian old man on smiling gas wandering around with that ridiculous perma-smirk. And that voice.. sounds like some 80-year old Yiddish lady on happy pills. Enter a crime scene with 12 well-dressed professionals doing their job, and Columbo waltzes in with his hair in a ball and pajamas literally still on under the rain coat. lol- A bit much..

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

Thank you for all the answers.

So, basically it's what I thought: worst alibi ever.

@Tom Ahawk

Granted, "murder in malibu" is not terrific. But I don't think all the "new" Columbo are that bad. The very last one for instance, "Columbo Likes the Nightlife", was pretty good IMO.

Re: "Murder in Malibu", seriously??

If ME TV goes in order....this episode will be on in about 3 weeks.