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Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Has anyone else noticed that the later episodes from the 80s onwards have a lot more silly bits in them and the music is comical at times. Columbo almost becomes a cliche extreme joke version of the more subtleties of his original character. I think it's essentially this which makes the latter episodes stand down a level from the original 70s run. Has anyone else noticed this?

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Absolutely -- the music (with the exception of the classically scored Murder: A Self-Portrait) was silly and obvious, there were umpteen gags meant to underline Columbo's "cuteness"(argh), and Columbo had too many fits of unconcealed temper or emotion (Murder With Too Many Notes seemed as if it was written by an 80-year-old fanfic writer, especially when Columbo began mimicking Crawford). Columbo Loves the Nightlife was almost a breath of fresh air -- he pulled back from the silly elf and was more the dogged detective of old, even if the contemporary theme seemed a little lackluster.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

I found Columbo Likes the Nightlife to be a rather enjoyable episode. If Vanessa would have called the cops immediately, none of this would have happened. She probably goes down for Involuntary Manslaughter. Of course that would not make for a very interesting plot in itself so enter Justin Price and Linwood.

But it was one of the better later episodes.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

I've said a thousand times when people ask why I find the post 70's episodes so disappointing, one of the #1 reasons is in the music. It's cheesy and circus like. Watch Lovely But Lethal and think of how much impact the music has to that episode. The music still gives me chills sometimes and reminds of why I can watch the 70's episodes 100's of times.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Agreed, but there's also something to be said about the unique atmosphere of America in the 70s. Everything from the fashion, hairstyles and interior decorating to the cars, fads, even the mannerisms and the way people talk.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Agreed, but there's also something to be said about the unique atmosphere of America in the 70s. Everything from the fashion, hairstyles and interior decorating to the cars, fads, even the mannerisms and the way people talk.

Indeed ...not to mention fuel prices at 60 cents a gallon (see The Most Dangerous Match) and restaurant feasts for a family of 4 priced at under $20.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Yeah, and all the old technology.

This site has a treasure trove of information and pics of the fashions, toys and other stuff.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

"Restaurant feasts for a family of four for under $20", but not if you ordered the chili at Chez Pierre. It was too hot AND too high, lol. But the iced tea was only $1.50.

By the way, I always loved that the same chef who was preparing trout almondine could whip up some Texas style chili at a moments' notice.

Re: Newer episodes - music helps makes mockery of columbo character

Agreed. The soundtracks for the 70s episodes were extremely well done in most instances, adding tremendously to the show's atmosphere, but much of the music in the post-70s episodes was unmemorable and downright silly. That's not to say that there was no silly music in 70s episodes, such as that goofy song that's played in The Bye Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case or the one that's playing in Milo's gym in An Exercise In Fatality. (Seriously, who would work out with that playing?) However, those songs don't serve to make Columbo feel like a parody of himself.