The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

Sorry to bring it up when I know it has been discussed plenty before I'm sure, and if I didn't LOVE Columbo I wouldn't be able to chuckle about it, but I had forgotten how awful this episode is. What were they thinking of? Really, it doesn't even work as a comedy!

Every moment of it is worthy of discussion, so I just want to mention one part, my particular favourite bad part.....when they are looking at the stencils and Columbo puts the full stop up to his eye and drawls
"a hole" .......a few times.

Oh and just one more thing, at the end when he rows away to meet Mrs C, which I'm sure he wouldn't do anyway, he's whistling this old man - but I'm sure he has a cigar in his mouth.

Enough said LOL.

Re: Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

Yes it's also one of my least favourite films. Some scenes are bizarre, others just daft and the plot rolls on for far too long. Other poor films include Mind over Mayhem - which to my mind was just plain stupid! One final film - A Case of Immunity was pure theatrical nonsense largely demonising Arab culture. However the remaining episodes from the 1970's are still very enjoyable to watch, even after the Nth time!

Re: Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

Heh! Yes, it's not a favorite of mine either. It's weird in various ways, and I don't like the deviation from "the formula," but I will say I don't really mind the rowing-away at the end. It has to be viewed in context of the fact that, at the time, a lot of people thought it would be the very last episode, so Columbo needed an Exit, and rowing off into the sunset, to meet his wife for lunch, wasn't an awful choice. True, it's jarring that he is whistling while smoking a cigar, but on the other hand, just a few days ago I watched a "Seinfeld" clip of Kramer smoking a cigarette while drinking a beer, so I suppose Columbo could have managed it!

Re: Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

You're not alone. What a weird episode where the lieutenant seems like he's on drugs or something...or the dirctor; i believe it was Patrick MacGoohan.

Re: Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

My next episode from the box set is Agenda for Murders... Directed by Patrick McGoohan and I'm just hoping it isn't weird like 'Last Salute'. I found 'Identity Crisis' a little off too so it will be interesting to compare.

Re: Last Salute ....sorry, if I didn't LOVE Columbo...

"Agenda" is an excellent episode, completely different from Commodore. Commodore is so bizarre that I can't even describe it: The screaming in the boatyard, the whispering, the excitement about seeing the ocean (from a man who lives in L.A.) and the phone wrapped around Robert Vaughn's neck; all for no reason.

And of course:
Colombo: "Mac, did you see it?"
Mac: "See what?"
Columbo: "It".

He then points to a boat. Good episode? T'isn't".