The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Shameless Plug

There's nothing I hate more than shameless plugs, but to qualify that statement, I'll let you know that 10+ years ago I used to roam the halls of these forums pretty frequently.

Anyway, my love of forums may have dwindled but my love of "Columbo" has not, so I'm here to plug our podcast: "The Columbo Confab":

Just two guys talking about Columbo, switching between the 70's and 90's each time, and hopefully entertaining listeners. My sources tell me we're the THIRD Columbo podcast out there, so I know there are people that like this show (the existence of this forum is proof enough).

Just wanted to do something shameless and hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the day. (That's a quote from Patrick McGoohan in "Agenda for Murder" and I use it all the time.)


Re: Shameless Plug

Good luck, Sean!