The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo testifying

Arresting someone for murder is one thing, getting them convicted is completely something else.

Personally, I think Columbo would be an excellent person on the witness stand. And I think in most cases, he would have gotten a conviction. But not necessarily for murder. For instance, in D3ath Lends a Hand Brimmer would probably have gone down for voluntary manslaughter.

Post a few of your ideas as to how Columbo would act on the testifying stand and perhaps put a couple of examples of what would not be a murder conviction

Re: Columbo testifying

I believe that any lawyer worth his salt gets Dr. Collier off. Sure, during the trial, things come out that will ruin his career, but Columbo can only prove that Collier was there at the house, not that he was the one who killed Mr. Donner. Collier probably goes down for accessory after the fact since he was involved in the cover-up, but nobody can prove murder since the only witness is dead.

Re: Columbo testifying

I've always pictured him showing up at Court in a freshly-pressed suit, no raincoat, hair somewhat combed. His testimony is sharp and to the point, although with occasional flashes of humor. No mumbling, head-scratching or meandering into irrelevancies. In short, he drops the act and we see the real, brilliant detective at work. Juries eat it up, and defense lawyers are terrified of him.

Re: Columbo testifying

LOL Ted. "somewhat combed."