The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

This episode is noticably different in that Columbo has to catch a police chief, I wonder if someone was involved in getting it made to show that no-one is above the law and if police commit crimes they will still be convicted or at least charged, because of some real life situation? In 1973 there was this terrible situation . I'm guessing they started filming the episode in late 1973 for it to be released in 1974.

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

This episode is much darker and serious than most other episodes in the series. It almost doesn't feel like a Columbo episode at all. I was blown away when i fist saw this impressive episode.

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

I guess it's one of the few episodes that show a lot of people below Columbo's area of society instead of above it, with its "seedy" bar and that halfway house you keep hearing about. Another one of those would be the soup kitchen in NEGATIVE REACTION, but even that part is semi-comical, of course (apart from that view of an actual "skid row" that you see for a moment). This one is very believable that way, but this time without being funny about it. I wouldn't want MANY episodes of COLUMBO to get away from the "rich and famous" people for long, but I'm still fine with this one doing it.

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

I've always thought of it as Columbo's greatest challenge -- taking on the guy who has real authority over him, not just a rich bully who thinks he can wreck Columbo by putting in a few words with his buddies downtown, but a man who has actual power to take away almost everything that Columbo lives for. Columbo MUST win this one, not with just a weak insinuation but with solid proof -- and of course he does. And victory is sweet.

That's interesting about the real situation.

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

And what a fabulous ending when Columbo tells the Police Commissioner about the apartment...

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

My favorite part of the episode is that career criminal Artie Jessup actually becomes a good guy, an important ally.

Re: Was A Friend In Deed made for a specific reason?

I wish I could answer Stephen's original question, but I have no idea.