The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Falk takes the Fall ?

In GREENHOUSE JUNGLE Columbo goes down a hill to investigate the crime .He loses his footing and takes a nasty fall in a ditch.
Now I always assumed a stuntman doubled Peter, but watching this frame by frame and zooming in , it's Falk!
They may have sped up the image but that sure looks like an unplanned accident!

Any stories from the set about this incident?

Re: Falk takes the Fall ?

From what I remember (although I forget where I read it, probably on this very forum) Falk was supposed to walk down and he fell for real. He thankfully wasn’t hurt so they kept it in. And....that really WAS the quickest way down the hill.

Re: Falk takes the Fall ?

So was his comment about its certainly being the quickest way down improvised? Wow, I didn't know that!

Re: Falk takes the Fall ?

You can see his expression turn to fear as he starts to lose control. But, he stays in character even after a nasty tumble!

What a guy!

Re: Falk takes the Fall ?

I've been having a look at it again... Well, if he doesn't really fall without wanting to, he's a better actor than I thought (and it's difficult to think higher of Mr Falk's abilities as an actor than I do)!

I thought the fall had been shot all in the same go, but although there's a cut in the middle, to me it looks like the same fall filmed using two different cameras (I'd say the final part from the first camera is the same as the first moments from the second camera).

Re: Falk takes the Fall ?

He fell on his ass.
I recently got a DVD player with a 4x.zoom which is why I brought this up.

I can always spot a stunt.double .Not here!