I used to like this episode more than the "prevailing theory" (as Mr Dolan said) is, according to what I see on forum and opinions. It was for me always rather one of nicest episodes from new era, even though it has quite a lot of flaws (I will come back to that). I base it on general Columbo formula, good Columbo clues, etc. But I have as usual some observations
- Lennie is one of the saddest and most stressed victims in the series, also as we can see, quite naive
- I like music very much
- I think the biggest flaw is this senseless and pointless and totally nonsensical Alex's monologues. First with Lennie on the street, "this is where we kid you with ilussion, this is where we blow your reality", "who's the real illusion? you or me?". And the worst ever is this talking while walking along the fence. One of worst Columbo scenes
- can you explain something to me? It is said that Alex is the "master of special effects". So why does he says to Columbo "I am thinking of making a movie about the detective"? I think it is not "his job" to think about new movies he is going to "make". Isn't he only the person to be hired while some movie is already being under production? As a specialist of special effect? I think I maybe don't understand very well who is responsible for what in movie making world. All this words as "writer, producer, executive producer, director". I am not sure about responsibilities of this persons. So is it correct what Alex says (maybe the question is not very smart, I am sorry for that)?
- it contains one of my favourite lines in Columbo (at least the new ones): "well I expect it was something like murder. It would have been a very strange electrocution if the vistim got up, and turned his pockets out and then took hisself to the beach and hit hisself in the face, if you get my drift sir" :D
- unfortunately here is continuing of this theatrical gesticulation and slow speaking manner of Columbo. I really regret that this change has been made in Columbo
- Alex has a little annoying habit for me. Especially when I really pay attention and focus on that: he pats (I am not sure if that's a proper word, I hope you know what I mean) all the people's shoulder all the time. Whenever when he is with anyone. And not only once, he does that constantly
- Columbo prepared very nice mannequin on his car's trunk, made of his own raincoat :D
- I was always thinking - why Columbo pick this particular Year College Book (or whatever it was) to take a look on? It was too lucky for me. But now I realised that he saw Alex rearranging position of that book on the shelf when they met for the first time. As always - something new for me to notice :)
- when Columbo is snooping around the empty movie set it is always strange. In one moment street which was completely full of people becomes completely empty. Plus how LUCKY Columbo is to find this heel
- the scene is quite stupid (one of a lot from this new episodes) but I somehow like when Columbo says "it's good that I took my raincoat" when he sees this sailing ship behind him on screen
- the scene staged in front of Columbo, in the bar. How could they have possibly known that Columbo will eat at this particular time at this particular bar? They needed to set the whole scene first
- it's nice to see Columbo again defeating his man by his own weapon (like dr Rey Flemming, or Santini or many more)
- I am thinking about this last clue. That Len Fisher left as a bookmark his Tour ticket. But on the ticket you don't see his name. So where is the proof that it was his ticket? that could have been anybody's who were there at that day. I never thought of that before. I always thought it is a very good final clue