I am not against this episode, but definitely not one of favourites. I will not have many comments this time because this is rather average so I focused on some details mostly:
- I wonder which Agatha Christie book was given to Joan for her trip to Chicago. I like her books
- one of the biggest problems I have with this episode (but this is completely my private opinion and I really like that other people have others) is that I find Dr. Joan Allenby completely unattractive. She would be the last choice for me for this particular role
- very funny thing, which I noticed for the first time: when Joan and David Kincaid are driving in the car in the beginning, it seems that they drive quite fast, but there is a guy on the bike in the background who overtakes them :D so funny to see that for the first time
- she hid her bag in ladie's room. Isn't it true that they are always full of people? :P wasn't it quite risky?
- wouldn't her DNA be on the cigarette she left on murder scene?
- what was the blood she spilled arouond? From what Columbo said it was real blood. So from where?
- in my last post I mentioned liking to find in Columbo actors who were also in Friends. Now I found out also here we have one: This Walter Neff guy, he was on last series of Friends too in very secondary role
- I'll skip the comment about tuba. Although I can probably pick other Columbo moment as most cringeworthy :P
- sometimes there are scenes in Columbo which I like very much and can not say why I like them. The good example is here when Columbo speaks with the bartender. I would even say that it is my favourite scene from this episode, I like it very much
- what is the scene with a 2 guys turning back on the stairs when Columbo is speaking about? I don't get the joke. Are we supposed to think that they had some contact with Lady in Black? I sincerely doubt
- Miss Hendrix is funny woman :)
- the piece that he found in ladie's room, a little far-fetched I think
- Columbo didn't clean the trash after searching inside the big trash bin. It was not very polite :P
Aha, I never noticed that bike overtaking the car moment!
I also think Allenby is bad looking, but that might be partially due my hair style and colour preference; by comparison when she becomes lisa she looks much better, I by far prefer black hair to blonde and the style is also better.
I also liked the bartender scene, I didn't mind the tuba, and I think many people thought the scene where the various therapists ask columbo for advice was silly, instead I found it funny, they kept dragging him in different rooms!