This is a (hopefully) funny little personal story about the Columbo episode Swan Song that I've been meaning to share here for many years so I thought now was about time to finally share it with you all. One day I was over at my older brother's house and he started watching Swan Song as his wife had recorded it from Channel 5 (in the UK) using the Sky box as she saw it guest starred the singer and occasionally actor Johnny Cash and my brother is a big fan of Cash and country music in general. So we sat and watched the episode. I had seen it before as I had some of the available Columbo boxsets at that time. When it came to the end scene when Columbo catches Tommy Brown retrieving the hidden parachute from under the hollow in the fallen tree trunk my brother said something which I still find hilarious to this day. I always think of it any time I watch the ending of this episode. He said something like, "I bet Columbo is hiding under that tree trunk and when the killer turns over the trunk he'll be there waiting for him." I still find it funny and hopefully you will too next time you watch this scene! :grinning:
I've posted the scene below if you want to watch it again now:
It reminds me of at least one or two jokes in the Mad Magazine version of Columbo (in # 156).
Your brother was on the same page as the writers of those jokes.