I was thinking about new topic and while watching episode I came up with this: whose reaction is never shown and you would like to see it after murder? Mine types are:
1. Prescription: Murder: attorney of Ray Flemming, he was so sure that doctor is innocent
2. Ransom for a Dead Man: this police guy (don't remember his name) who told Columbo to stay away from Leslie
3. Murder by the Book: wife of the victim, she was a nice person!
4. Suitable for Framing: the hangovered owner of the gallery :D probably she would drink for that
5. Lady in Waiting: the mother
6. Short Fuse: aunt Doris
7. Blueprint for Murder: "the next ex". Maybe she would open her eyes :)
8. The Most Crucial Game: Mrs Wagner, always irritates me how she goes along with Hanlon, never considering his guilt
9. An Exercise in Fatality: very very very much I'd like to see reaction of Jessica Conroy, this is one of the extreme cases in this list. Probably she'd change her mind about Janus
10. Negative Reaction: Lorna McGrath
11. By Dawn's Early Light: cadet Springer - I always feel symphaty for him and I just like this guy!
12. Troubled Waters: Danziger's wife. She made it quite clear what will happen if he misbehaves
13. Playback: Arthur, maybe not exactly a main character but I just think he is nice guy
14. A Deadly State of Mind: Anita Borden
15. Murder Under Glass: Max Duval and Mary Choy
16. Make me a Perfect Murder: everyone who was insulted and humiliated by Kay. I just hate her behaviour throughout all episode
17. Murder, a Self Portrait: Vito from the bar. But since it is one of the worst Columbo episodes ever (for me) I'd like the whole world to know that he is guilty :)
18. Columbo goes to College: very very much I'd like to see reaction of that arrogant father (Robert Culp of course). Next of 2 extreme wishes in that list. Everytime the episode ends I wish maybe this time Mr Rowe will appear :)
19. Butterfly in Shades of Gray: the daughter of course
So these are my types :) I would like to know it anyone of you had the same feelings and also of course about whom
I wonder if Joanna Ferris would be convinced that Ken Franklin was guilty? She defended Ken right up until her final conversation with Columbo. Same with Shirley Wagner who was also completely in denial.
To be honest, at least in the italian version, which doesn't differ much from the english one, Ferris was starting to get sort of convinced by columbo in the end, and in fact he convinces her to talk him more about Jim and that it could help him find proof against Franklin and she does.
After she tells columbo that she doesn't believe Franklin did that and that she knows him for several years, he answers something like: even if you knew him for 100 years it wouldn't make a difference; the evidence shows this Franklin killed your husband.
Also, very interesting topic btw, I like most of those and I'd like to see some fanfiction where these final encounters actually happen!