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A Case of Immunity thoughts again


As some of you know I was reviewing episodes here quite often. But also as I told you everytime I watch episode I have some new insights. Today I decided randomly to watch a case of immunity and my thoughts are:

- quite a long time in the beginning without saying a word (but I think the prize goes to By Dawn's Early Light)
- you can see the flag on Youseff Alafa's coffee cup. It is similar to some flags in the world but this one doesn't exist
- always bothers me how fast Habib react on the phone call in the hotel he is in (or wherever he is), I think he reacts even one second before the phone rings
- I never understand the moment when Columbo checks personal stuff of Habib after his death and says "bits of broken glass there?". he? Makes no sense at all. If somebody checked that before Columbo came, it would have been stated that it is contact lenses. If it wasn't checked - why Columbo asks about it? probably he sees immedietely that they are lenses. Can somebody explain? I always get anno*** by this conversation! mayby my english is not good enough? And additional question: do they take out the lences from the body atfer death? never thought about it before :)
- I think the music that plays in the background when Columbo meets the king for the first time is the same one which was pla*** in Identity Crisis while the belly dance
- the only female character in this episode - Xenia, I find her very attractive :)
- in the kitchen Columbo asks if that is Suarian food, and Xenia says it is from a bakery around the corner, that sounds strange! it looks like the kitchen is huge, lots of chefs, did they really need to order food from "bakery around the corner"?
- the money withdrawal - Hasan shows him all the money, so what is the deal? It is exactly the same situation as in "Double Shock" when Columbo tells about the mixers and Paris shows him that he has the exact amount of them. Are both of this cases a mistakes of Columbo?
- the same "vasa" (or whatever it is called in english) which Columbo admires (his wife bought it on Farmers Market) is seen just laying on a table on the party with guys from China. Was it supposed to be
- they (Kermit, hehe) told Columbo to leave the case because of BIGGER reasons. And he solved the case anyway. Aren't they going to derage or fire him? he was causing the problems for them after all
- I'll repeat myself (and not only me) - how the hell the king got back to that place if we saw him falying away??

Re: A Case of Immunity thoughts again

“Suitable for Framing” also has several minutes at the beginning before a word is spoken.