In columbo likes night life he is drinking coffee with 2 sugars not tea
He also drank wine in Any Old Port in a Storm
And Columbo asks for a "drop of bourbon" at Franklin's invitation.
Fun thread. He also drinks root beer in the airport lounge in "Ransom for a Dead Man." He asks for coffee in "Lady in Waiting," but I can't remember how he drinks it.
These are all great! I will add these "Columbo beverage sightings" to my collection. Thanks to all who followed-up. I am impressed! As to the Quiz, it was written by a good fan, and we ran it "as is," although I agree this item was open to debate, obviously.
Just thinking, did he have a drink with those medical buddies of Dr Collier when he gatecrashed their party? Can't remember?
yes, rob. ted posted it above that he had a cream soda.
And I get my kicks citing Old-Fashioned Murder once again, by saying that on two occasions the lieutenant shared camomile tea with Ruth. And another liquid (we don't know what) during the scene when she mentions the disappearance of an artefact.
He also drank carrot juice in 'An Exercise In Fatality,' having mistaken it for orange juice.