Ok..let's try this out. A friend of mine gave me this idea and I think it could possibly be a good one.
What Columbo murderer could you see murdering you? What relationship or connection do you have with the victim in a certain episode that would cause you to be murdered as they were? We may have to reveal ourselves a little bit on this one guys, but it could be interesting.....
For me I would say that Riley Greenleaf from Publish Or Perish, would be my murderer.(even though he didn't do the actual shooting.) I am a bit of a writer (unpublished ) but I would take a big step to say that in the grandeur of my own mind, I would think that Riley would think so much of my writing, and that he would put out an insurance policy on me, and then feel the need to kill me because I wanted to go to another publishing house to sell my stuff.
Well, I would love to hear your thoughts on this...it could be fun.
(And in case anyone is interested...I have a poem that was so graciously posted on a site that a fellow poster has created. He took my very very long poem and put it on his site and it he made me feel terrific!..The site itself is wonderful...lots of great stuff to read there...very eclectic...so very varied!...but to see my stuff on there with all these other wonderful things....well...it makes me quite happy and proud. If anybody wants to check my poem out, it is on www.knology.net/~byrdland/ ....all you do is look to the left on the little menu and go to miscellaneous..and then a sub menu will drop down and you will see Orpheus' Child, and then click on that and you will see cassa's writing....but please do me a favor and don't read the whole bloody thing...it is way too long....but if a line or two touches you, well that would be great....and don't forget to scroll down to the bottom to see who the author is....cassa is carleen....or is carleen cassa???....I am confused!!!!)
Well, I hope some of you would check it out...but more specific to Columbo..I would like to hear who your murderer would be....not that I want any of you people to be murdered, but you know what I mean.......
Jarvis Goodland from The Greenhouse Jungle might kill me. I could possibly get desperate enough to try to pull off some kind of scam for big money and thereby get sucked in by an accomplice. Although I don't think I would fall for it as easily as Tony Goodland did.
Having seen this episode I guess I'd be a fool if I did get involved in a scam and didn't as least contemplate getting double crossed.
i think probably the mind control expert dr. mason would do me in...although if i had my choice it would be kay freestone! and cass im sorry but i think bertie would be your doom!
Now why would you say that robbie?? First of all he wasn't even a murderer...he was a murderee...(is that a word?? ) I would be very interested in hearing your logical explanation, Mr. Spock.
bertie has you tricked. i could picture it very easily. remember how shifty he looked during the performance of 'i saw the light'? well you would be playing a word game with him and he would lose it when you went to tickle him. pretty little caroline would witness it and act all demure and say nothing!
robbie, how could you say Bertie looked shifty...I mean look at those groovy sunglasses he was wearing....he was oozing cooooool!!
And if I went to tickle Bertie...it would be him who would be dead. He would die of laughter. I am a notorious tickler!!!
And as for little Caroline...one of your harem of Columbo babes....well, all I have to say to her is "You are a brat!!"....so yeah!
And thanks for putting "I Saw The Light" into my head!! This isn't going to be a pleasant evening for me with that running around in my mind!!
Oskar from playback as i would have exposed him as well. Actually would have found great delight in exposing him and would happily rubbed his face in it as well so he would happily have shot me without a care and would probablly brag too lol. Im not intelligent enough for him not to shot me. We would never get on as he was a pretentious fool.
I really like the episode and am so happy when in the end he gets caught.
I have not figured out who my murderer would be, but it would NOT be Emmett Clayton from "The Most Dangerous Match" because I would not be able to beat him at chess.
Ok...time for cassa to be brave and bold and brazen....it is a Saturday night and here I am in Jersey..and that is what Jersey girls do on a Saturday night.....so here goes.........
First of all, I know I will regret posting this. (I posted a similar message on the colsy site)...but I can't help myself .....I was just wondering if anybody checked out the site where my poem is...it is a wonderful place to read some really great stuff..(I am not including my poem in that)....and it was created by a fellow Columbo fan....
Well...I didn't mean to sound so pathetic and desperate .....but it would make me feel good if you guys/gals checked it out....thanks
Cassa has written of a poem
I wonder if it's about a little g-nome?
Perhaps it's about a hat in a cat?
I can't read it 'cause I don't know where it's at.
No...no..no...it wasn't lousy Headache...it was really cat-cool!....and if you look at my first post you can see how to access my poem thingy, and also a really good site for reading about a lot of topics...there is a great piece on Sinatra that I think you may enjoy.....
..and Headache, if you do get to go to this site, and you find my poem there....please don't read the whole thing....it is way too long...but it would be nice to know that my Headache looked at it...that would make me feel proud.
I've sometimes thought about this, and I've always thought, the more "refined" the murderer the better (like those Jack Cassidy ones, especially Ken Franklin). But it just occured to me, that Faye Dunaway was in a Columbo episode. If you HAD TO be killed by someone, it would be a little romantic, not only to be killed by Faye Dunaway, but by Bonnie Parker, so to speak.