Re: Look For the Little Things--"Negative Reaction"
These are excellent observations. My other favorite example of this type is the scene in which Dr. Collier prepares to hypnotize Nadia Donner to leap to her death. He is photographed in the frame with the fireplace flames licking all around his head...because what he is doing is purely evil.
Re: Re: Look For the Little Things--"Negative Reaction"
Something similar is seen in the beginning of "Publish or Perish". Professional bomb-maker Eddie Kane is practicing throwing them and he has a fire burning in front of him to like the fuses. Riley Greenleaf (Jack Cassidy) shows up to talk to him and the camera looks at Greenleaf through the flames of the fire.
Re: Re: Re: Look For the Little Things--"Negative Reaction"
Another little thing about a year after "Negative Reaction." It was in "Forgotten Lady." Grace Wheeler (Janet Leigh) asks Columbo if he has taken leave of his senses. Very ironic, considering the nature of the ending.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Look For the Little Things--"Negative Reaction"
And when Columbo enters the real estate office post homicide in RIP, Mrs. Columbo, Mrs. Dimitri says something like "Things are a little crazy here right now".
Re: Look For the Little Things--"Negative Reaction"
It's interesting that you mention the "Miss McGrath" character, because apart from Frances' suspicions, the story never really tells you that there was anything between her and Paul. So if you consider adultery a sin, she might have been as innocent of that as of murder. I always notice that as she's walking away in that scene, she observes "custom" by not stepping directly on the front of a grave, sidestepping it instead. I always wonder whether that was planned, or just reflex on the actress' part.