The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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uk columbo alert

Just to let UK fans know:

Columbo is on Channel 5:

This Friday - How to dial a Murder 4 - 5.30pm
Weds 1st June - Dead Weight 2 - 3.40pm
Mon 6th June - Murder Under Glass 2 - 3.35pm

Have fun!!

Re: uk columbo alert

That's great to know - I haven't seen Murder Under Glass before, so am pretty excited. Nice one!

Re: uk columbo alert

Thought I'd resurrect this thread to let UK fans know that Saturday, 10am, ITV seems to be the regular Columbo slot now. Matter of Honour yesterday. Murder Under Glass next weekend.


Re: uk columbo alert

i wanna live in the UK.

Re: uk columbo alert

You mean Wales

Re: uk columbo alert got that right, baby!
the lush green there will always make me happy, even though i can't be there.

Re: uk columbo alert

don't forget all the bloody rain too

Re: uk columbo alert

but lieutenant, i absolutely adore the rain, and thankfully we've had a lot of it here lately.

Re: uk columbo alert

Yeah, we love the rain too

Isn't rain wonderful

Re: uk columbo alert

ahhh...i know. i know how much damage you have had, and it truly can't be a fun thing. it has to be horrible.

Re: uk columbo alert

Yes it was horrible but none of us were hurt, which is the important thing. Second most important thing was that my beloved Japanese Columbo DVD's were upstairs out of the way lol.
We've rebuilt and moved on

Re: uk columbo alert

you go boy!!!!

Re: uk columbo alert

I just looked at those flood photo's. I can't imagine going through that.

I used to live in a house that was burgled three times in three years. It was horrible knowing someone had been there but the only clearing up to do was a small repair to the front door and the addition of a new lock, on three occasions.

Re: uk columbo alert

THX Mitch
I just looked at those flood photo's. I can't imagine going through that.

I used to live in a house that was burgled three times in three years. It was horrible knowing someone had been there but the only clearing up to do was a small repair to the front door and the addition of a new lock, on three occasions.

It was a nightmare. It happened twice within about 9 months. I'd hate to be burgled too. There are some scumbags out there

Re: uk columbo alert

ITV in the UK are showing Fade In To Murder on Sat 23rd Oct at 10am


Re: uk columbo alert

Alibi are showing Columbo likes the nightlife on saturday at 1pm and 7pm. Thats in the uk.