Paul, I knew that Jimmy raised the original question, but that question (about the puzzle) had already been answered. I was responding to your comments "I seem to remember that it may be on this site somewhere," and then,"I knew it was on this site somewhere. I just didn't have time to look for it as I am busy these days!".
Well OK, my answer wasn't well-worded, because you didn't say you were looking -- you said you didn't have time to look.
Anyway, no matter, because I just thought it was a good chance to point out, for everyone else's benefit, the "search" feature. It's easy to overlook, or to forget that it's there, so I appreciate the chance to let folks know that it's available. It's great for those pesky moments when you just have to remember something about Columbo and you don't know where to look!
Ah, sorry I get you. And you are right that the search is a great facility. There is so much information which you and the others have put together on this site and I only really have time to browse when I am at work !! so at busy times like vacations it is great to know that the search exits...