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Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Here are the new puzzlers. Instead of concentrating on the vicious killers of "Columbo", I've decided that it's time to give the victims some glory. So I've researched the original 45 Columbo episodes and have come up with every murder victims "Famous Last Words".

Most of the victims did speak their "last words" on screen, just before they met their doom. Other victims were alive and talking in one scene, then dead later on in the episode. So those particular victims most likely did have other things to say between what we viewers heard them say as their last words, and what they're last words - later on, off screen - actually were. My puzzlers deal with what we viewers actually heard as their last words. Got that? I hope so!

Again, all these questions deal with only the original 45 Columbo episodes. Also, my questions are based on the DVDs already released, and my own VHS tapes taped off the TV. Therefore, with the VHS episodes, it is possible that some local station editing was done and therefore what I have found to be the last words of a victim may be different from what an "unedited" DVD will later reveal!

All that said, here are the first 10 questions dealing with "Columbo" murder victims "FAMOUS LAST WORDS!"


(Some easy ones to start things off...)


In which episode was a murder victim dead when the story began and therefore, had no final words?


In which episode was a person alive when the story began, but murdered before they got to speak any words?


From the episode, "A Case Of Immunity," which of the following four choices was security guard Youseff Alafa's final word?

A. Safe
B. Assembly
C. Moment
D. Legation


Two murder victims final on screen words before being murdered were "Thank-you." Who were the two victims and in which episodes did this occur?


One murder victim's final words were a mixture of a foreign language and English. Who was the victim? In which episode did this occur?


Only one murder victim spoke all their final words in a foreign language. (Foreign to English, that is.) Who was the victim? In which episode did this occur?


Only one of the following four choices is a "True" final on screen sentence spoken by a murder victim. Which is the true sentence? Who spoke it and in which episode?

A. "That's not blue."
B. "Move over here."
C. "Take us home."
D. "Up the river."


Only one of the following four choices was actually spoken by a murder victim as their final word on Earth. Which is the correct word? Who spoke it and in which episode was it spoken?

A. Bag
B. Beg
C. Big
D. Bug


From the episode, "Murder By The Book," which of the following four choices was murder victim Lilly La-Sanka's final sentence on Earth?

A. "Why don't you open the other bottle?"
B. "I almost wish he were here now."
C. "He could share this with me."
D. "I just don't know if I should trust you."


Which murder victim, just prior to their death, gave their murderer a very enthusiastic, "Don't worry. Bye!" ?

I'll get in here any post the answers within a couple of days and get another 10 questions posted. Have fun, and you may not want to waste too much time on these questions. It's all just a bunch of silliness to pass some time with! That's all!

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Where do you come up with these ideas??? Amazing!!
And don't call it 'a bunch of silliness'...everyone here knows how much work you put into these things and we are all grateful.

Some of these are easy as you said, but oh boy! some of them are very difficult.
I will take a stab at #6...the murder victim who spoke all their last words in a foreign first I thought it was Rosanna Welles from Troubled Waters with her haunting..yet Annoying!..rendition of Volare..but I think she speaks something after that in English....So I am going with Vittorio Rossi from Murder Under he wrenchingly falls to the ground speaking Italian.

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Wow, these are great....and difficult!

The only ones I know right offhand are #1 and #2. Janice Caldwell is dead as "A Friend in Deed" opens, and Ross Martin in "Suitable for Framing" shoots his uncle before the uncle can say a word. I will have to think about the others and come back. Great puzzle!

Re: Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

#1 Two episodes: "Requiem For a Falling Star" and "A Friend in Deed" and an implied third ("How to Dial a Murder")

#2 Suitable For Framing

#3 D "Legation"

#6 "Murder Under Glass"

I'll have to work on the others.

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

I think #9 is C. He could share this with me. Lily is talking about her husband.

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Great questions Headache. And these are pretty tough, harder than the Columbo Quotes I think. David, took me a while to get what you meant with Requiem for a Falling Star.
I can't really add much, but I was thinking in 5 or 6, that Matter of Honor could be in there, did he not speak his final words in a least a mixture of Spanish and English? Number 2 was pretty easy. Not sure about the rest...I have a hunch that 8 may be Beg and that it may have been from the Bye Bye Sky High, but really not sure....

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

David: I didn't include "previous murder victims" in my questions. So Nora Chandler's husband (from "Requiem For A Falling Star" nor Dr. Eric Mason's wife (from "How To Dial A Murder") are included. We the viewer never saw either of them either alive or in a state of deadly deadishness. So the answer to #1 is just Janice Caldwell from "A Friend In Deed". We didn't see her alive, but we did see her on the living room carpet, dead as a door nail. (Whatever a door nail is.)

Other answers so far are correct, wrong and interesting! I'll post the answers soon.

Re: Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

As for the "Thank you" question, is one of them Sharon Martin in "A Stitch in Crime"?

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Isn't one of the "thank you" quotes from just before the electrocution in "Double Shock"? Clifford Paris says something like, "I'm not really fond of electrical appliances...but thank you."

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Number 7 is driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

laura...i think you are right about the thank you one...good job....and #7......just can't get it i am going crazy too!!

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

About 7. Look at the way Headache writes the question, with "True" with a capital letter and in quotation marks. A clue?

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10 has got to be a clue...thanks for pointing that out....let me go look at it again.........

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Before I start pondering on what you said about the "True" possibly being a clue...let me just say..that Headache is probably sitting in his cave and laughing his butt off at us as we try and find the "deeper" meaning to his questions!!!

Well laugh on...o mighty one.....your little kiddies will struggle Head Aches!!

Re: Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

I think I have figured out #7. It is "Take us home" from "Last Salute to the Commodore."

Re: Re: Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

I think #8 is from "The Most Dangerous Match" when Dudek says "What are you doing with my bag?"

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

oh...that sounds right!

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

NO!! E...why does this always happen to me. I was just watching Matter of Honor, but had a brainwave about the line from the Most Dangerous Match "what are you doing with my bag?" and so I connected straight away, and as always, someone beats me to it Never mind, having watched Matter of Honor, I think I was right with what I said earlier about that episode....

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Oh....little Paulie..your day will come.. ......Hey! just remember you are still on your honeymoon.....ok?

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Exactly Cassa, that is why I am so late with these things...Anyway, I will be looking forward to the next ten. By the way, I am sure I know is really annoying

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

Hey Paul...what do you mean?? are you giving a cryptic reply ala Headache??? What do you mean about #10? and it being annoying?......boy! I'm intrigued.......

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

By the way Headache, I love the title of this puzzler.. "Famous Last Words" seems that there is this cassa person who always tries to get in the last word on every thread.....she is an annoying soul....but nontheless she can be endearing at times...

Re: Columbo Puzzlers - Famous Last Words # 1 - 10

No Cassa, I am not being cryptic at overestimate me!