The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Which Episode(s) would you have liked to sat in on while being filmed?

Oooooooh, good question. Good question.

I'd have liked to have been present for the production of "Prescription: Murder" just to see how it all began. To see Levinson, Link and Falk getting the Columbo ball rolling... That'd it be something!

I would have enjoying being present for "Murder By The Book" for the same reason Jilted Barfly gave. To see Steven Speilberg in action before he became a directing star, would be incredible. I also could have taken some lessons in "Cool" from the man himself, Jack Cassidy!

I would have liked to have been around for "Dead Weight" so that I could have met and stared at Suzanne Pleshette. OOH, LA, LA!

I also would have enjoyed "Dagger Of The Mind" for the trip to London! I say, I say! What's all this then?!

"Double Shock" would have been cool to see. Martin Landau is one of my favorite actors. I could have asked him about his work on "Mission: Impossible" as well as his time working with Alfred Hitchcock on "North By Northwest".

I would have helped Dick Vandyke kill that nasty old hag, Francis Galesko in "Negative Reaction". But seriously, I would have liked to have met Vandyke.

I'll agree with Cassa on "Troubled Waters" because I would have liked the cruise. Also, everyone on screen in that episode looks like they're having an absolute blast - especially Peter Falk!

I really would have enjoyed being on the set and the locations of "Columbo Cries Wolf" because of all the TOTALLY HOT CHIC... Uh. Because of all the very professional young actresses who worked very diligently toward the success of the episode.

I very much would like to get into a TARDIS and travel back in time to the moment the "go-ahead" was given by the studio to put the episode, "No Time To Die" into production. Just so that I could STOP them all from making such a terrible, horrific mistake.

"Ashes To Ashes" would also be one of the episodes I would have liked to have witnessed the making of. Falk and Patrick McGoohan look like they're having another one of those blasts during the production.

When it comes right down to it, I would very much have enjoyed seeing any "Columbo" episode just to see Peter Falk in action. Not to mention all those incredibly talented production crews!