I was wondering if anyone has read the 1980 "Columbo and the Samurai Sword" book? I obtained the book, but like with most copies I have seen, it was included as one of three stories in the detective book club selection series. For those that have read it, one: did you like it; two: was it a db book club selection or the lone novel? Thanks.
I also have a 3 in 1 copy of this thing. Not very good at all in my opinion. I wonder if people who write these oringinal books based on tlhe show have ever actually seen the show.
I would appear that nobody has come across one of the Columbo novels that captures the true Columbo . . . or are have any been published that haven't been dissed? I've browsed through a couple of the Harrington novels, didn't find them engaging and put them back on the shelf. Are there one or two anybody would recommend?
In my opinion, the only Columbo books, worthy of the title, are the Popular Library series of novelizations/original stories released during the original 70's run of the show.