sita.....I have been a long admirer of the tight pants guys on Columbo episodes. The guys here on this forum had their Columbo Babes thread going...and there were a few of our male Columboites who got a little carried that comes to mind is a guy named robbie who mentioned practically every female in every episode ...but he is a cool Columbo-head!! He hasn't been on here for a while, but I know he will be back....right robbie?
Anyway.........when I saw that the guys started their Columbo Babe thread...well, I was compelled to start the "Tight Male Pants" thread!
Now we must not forget Robert Conrad in An Exercise in Fatality......As Milo Janus...well..the pants were amazingly tight...sort of spray painted on!!...and his little bathing trunks were just as tight!!!
Yeah, the Columbo sista's are striking back. Go girls!
Ricardo Montalban certainly looked like he wouldn't want to bend over too quickly in those trousers. However, the award for tightest trousers has to be Milo Janus in Exercise in Fatality. They are so tight as to be obscene. They are presumebly the reason why there was a parental warning given prior to broadcast in the UK.
Yeah, I was curious about that cassa too. Did they really put a parental warning before it? Maybe it was the trousers, or maybe they thought that showing THAT sandwich again may lead to overeating..
...............but before I leave...I forgot another is Robert Culp as Brimmer in Death lends a hand. When they show those scenes at his cool beach pad his pants are wickedly tight!!!! Go Culp!!
And if I am not mistaken, I think he wears a similar set of tight pants in Double Exposure....I'm not sure about his pants in The Most Crucial Game....but he did look cute in his Ice Cream Man outfit!!!
About the parental warning - that is something that Channel 5 gives before every Columbo (along with pretty much every afternoon TV Movie I have seen them show - including Kojak, Banacek and Quincy). I believe the exact message is "And this movie is given a parental guidance waring, as some scenes may not be suitable for younger children." Though in the case of "Exercise In Fatality" I believe the tightness of Milo's pants, along with the fact that many children seem not to like brown bread, makes the parental warning entirel justified.
And it is nice to see Ronnie Corbett getting a mention here. No particular reason why, but I've always really enjoyed watching the Two Ronnies, so hurrah for that, as random a mention as it was. It's also nice to be back, by the way. Though I never thought I would return in a topic talking about tight keks. Oh my ....
Santini!!!! Hi!! good to "see" you!! what the heck is a "kek"?????????????? you UKers have these expressions that I love, but sometimes you confuse the heck out of me................"kek"??..does that mean pants?..