The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"

I find it very interesting that we have so many young fans of Columbo. The assumption of writers today is that young viewers want "action" and don't want to have to sit and figure things out. This can be seen in the differences between the original Mission: Impossible and the remakes from 1988 (I should say that I think the the New M I was the only remake that was relatively true to the original series, only Star Trek NG, etc). The original series didn't explain what the IM Force was doing, but in the later one, Jim would lay out exactly what each member of the team was doing.
For me watching Columbo and the Rockford Files takes me to my younger days since I was living in Southern California at the time they were made. I recognize many of the locations. Rockford particularly satirized well the whacky society that was present there. Columbo also showed the empty shallow world of entertainment (Hollywood, sports teams, etc), corrupt politicians, the arts, business, etc. and I give a lot of credit to the producers of the series because they were crticizing their own kind.

Re: More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"

For me one of the factors is that the focus is on the investigation and not an indepth look at columbos private life. Its good clean innocent tv without blasphemy, swearing, daft scripts with idiotic unbelievable plots, mindless violence etc (i could go one).

Its just a clasic tv programme that doesnt get boring, pure and simple. Tho it helps that i dont have to sit there for 2 hours shouting that the cleaner did it and then finding out she died 3 mins in.

God bless,


Re: More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"

I couldnt post the words s@x, or n~@:ity, why not.

God bless,


Re: More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"

sex nudity

Re: More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"

it worked for me.

Re: More on "Did you ever just take a break from work...." from "Milo Janus"


God bless,
