Before you watch your Columbo Season 3 DVD, I'd like to invite you all to visit Just One More Paragraph, my newly updated Columbo fanfic page ( I just posted stories No. 19 and 20 -- Then Fall Caesar, Sean Cogan's Shakespearean-themed classic-style story starring "Detective" Columbo (you'll see); and The Bicoastal, Bilocated, Fly-Bye Murder Case, a Columbo/X-Files crossover story by myself. In addition, the site offers everything from authentically crafted Columbo teleplays written by fan extraordinaire Eric Paddon, a couple of unusual Columbo tales by published horror author Donald Allen Kirch, and my two historical Columbo cases detailing his experience in the Korean War and his last New York investigation with his mentor, Sgt. Gilhooley.
I'd like to continue to expand my story list, so after you've stopped by, think about trying your hand at writing a story. Thanks -- hope to see you.
Martin...I for one will check it out...Ted has mentioned the site a number of times..and I have gone there and read stuff that was so terrific....I truly enjoyed reading....everything was so great...and since I am a very big Shakespeare nut, I know I will enjoy "Then Fall Caesar"..and Eric Paddon's stuff is always great!
Your invitation of writing a story is so very tempting, since I am a writer, but I am hardly that type of writer.....I am more of a emotion writer rather than a fact writer..if you catch my drift?...but i promise to check it all out..and I will come back here(oh heck!! I never leave!!!)and tell you what I thought...thanks for the info.............
Martin, I just got finished reading Then Fall Caesar. It was really very good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved all the references to Shakespeare's plays...and all the quotes.
I went to click on your story...The Bicoastal, Bilocated, Fly-Bye Murder Case, but it wouldn't come up for me....I am anxious to read I will try again later.
Thanks for sharing.
My problem is that when I go to Martin's site and I try and click on his story...nothing happens...I can access every other story on there but that particular one. Why do I always have all these problems!!!
Re: Re: New Columbo fic at Just One More Paragraph
Sorry, guys -- I feel like a moron. My Bicoastal/Bilocated .html page apparently didn't upload right to the server. I'll resend it tonight, and hopefully, it will be OK tomorrow. I'm not always the best webmaster around -- thanks for your patience.
Well...that was well worth waiting for! I so enjoyed it, Martin. You are a wonderful writer. And you also have the whole cadence of Columbo's voice down pat! Terrific!!! And there was lots of humor too.
Even though I am not really a fan of the x-files, I understood the relationship that was going on. It was really great.
And then the whole Icarus thing........well...that is one of my favorite mythology stories...him and his father Daedalus rising up to the sun with their wings attached to them with wax...and then the youth of Icarus takes over and he goes too close to the sad...but so true....he wanted it all!
Thank you so much for allowing me to read was wonderful.
Re: Re: New Columbo fic at Just One More Paragraph
Thanks so very much -- I'm delighted you enjoyed the story, especially since you're not an X-Files fan. If you ever catch the XF episode Hungry on TV, though, you should watch it -- Mulder plays Columbo to a very sympathetic (?) cannibalistic mutant fast food worker, even down to complimenting the fiend on his housekeeping skills. Surprisingly, it's an amusing satire on support groups and counseling, and the Columbo-style cat-and-mouse game (down to the cannibal's "Quick, where do I hide the clue?" moments and the third act second murder common in the vintage Columbos. I like to think of this episode as a tribute to the influence Columbo's had on other shows over the decades -- it was probably where I got the idea of linking our Lieutenant with fellow oddball Mulder.
BTW, I'd been trying to find a place for that mythology clue for nearly five years. And thanks, too, for your patience as I fixed the link.