sorry i went over the topic again, that was my first post as i am new to the site. maybe the host should put up something saying this topic has been discussed too many times so new posters are aware?
Hi Stephen. Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude with my "zzzzzzzzz" post. But I agree that it is better not to know his first...well, I for one like not knowing. Anyway, welcome to the forum...continue posting.
I googled "Mrs. Columbo", being curious about the TV show and I found this (Phillip as Columbo's first name?)on the website:
A five-episode test about Kate Columbo, the wife of famed L.A.P.D. detective Philip Columbo of the series "Columbo". Lieutenant Columbo is never seen. Kate is a mother (of Jenny) and works as a journalist for Josh Alden, the publisher of the Weekly Advertiser in San Fernando, California. Stories follow Kate as she uses her amateur sleuthing abilities to solve crimes.
I know the subject is quite milked out in the years, but I clearly see the name Frank written on the ID. I don't really care if you want to discuss this or not, I just wanted to state my opinion on the case
Actually, the name on the badge/I. D. isn't as clear as people think it is. The "Fr" part is messy and blurred. It could in fact be "Hank".
However, if you get your face right up to the TV screen and stare at that freeze-framed image of Columbo's badge for a good seven hours straight, it becomes very obvious that the name on the I. D. is Randy. (Right, Cassa?)
Of course I remember.....I remember Randy/Rudy and I also remember standing in front of my tv in the kitchen rewinding and pausing and playing and rewinding and....well you get the picture...and there I would be...inches from the screen squinting my eyes and freeze-framing when I needed to........Headache??? What is wrong with us?!?!?