I think the only episodes not screened on non digital tv in the uk (chn's 1-5) are MWTMN (i could be wrong here, maybe it was shown back in the early 2000's) and CLTN which ITV2 are going to be showing on friday. Its digital tv but more people have access to this than sky movies plus it deserves a mention.
Hello Mat, you mean the 2003 Columbo on itv 3 (not itv 2) on Friday? Has everyone on this site seen the 2003? I havn't but I have ordered a digital box which is due to arrive Wednesday so if it does I will get to see it.
The International Date Format would write today as 2005-08-09. This is a format used increasingly on forms, (just today I had to fill in a form and the form requested this format.) People are campaigning to make it standard, which in this world of internet and international travel would certainly make life easy. I mean, if your US visa expires on 09/08/05 then do you have to leave today or do you still have another month??!!
Yes...Thanks Cassa...Thanks for nipping. I just read the other thread, and was thinking, "hey, where did my post go" and then thought I would check the other threads as, being in a bit of a rush at the time, I probably posted on another thread...and sure enough, here it is. No idea how it happened though!