Those of you having the UK (region 2) release of season 2:
Have you noticed, if the original "From Universal Studios" "thing" after the closing credits of each episode (I don't really know what to call it) has been edited out? The reason I ask, this is the case with the U.S. version I have (on which a "modern" Universal intro has also been added to the beginning of each episode). Silly question, of course, but I would prefer the episodes intact, just the way I remember them (and like they are on the UK release of the 1st season I have, too).
Also, can you tell me whether "Etude in Black" on the UK release is the 90-minute or the two hour version?
I suppose the UK and US releases are identical, but I just had to ask...
Re: Question (or two) about the UK 2nd season DVD set
And I am breaking your chops on 2 threads!!
Now let me try and redeem myself to Pete. First of all Welcome Pete!
I am from the US so I really don't know about the UK release of Etude...but I would assume it would be the 2 hour version since the 90minute version was supposedly the Canadian version. I have it and it is really good...I miss some of the scenes from the 2 hour one..but there are scenes that are different...most of the lines are the same but it is obviously a different filming (or take) than the 2 hour one.
Re: Re: Question (or two) about the UK 2nd season DVD set
Thanks for the replies.
Welshdragon, yes, that's the ending I'm talking about. They have been edited out of the 2nd season DVD set (of the U.S. release, at least).
A minor annoyance, to be sure, but it's "just one more thing that's bothering me" about the DVD releases - why do they have to mess with things like that? Another is the use of "too new" pictures of Peter Falk in the covers etc. (I guess you can read between the lines here that I'm not a big fan of the newer ABC episodes.)
Well, enough complaining. It's really great just to have the early episodes on DVD.
Cassavetes45, I think it's indeed safe to assume that the UK release of the 2nd season has the long version of "Etude" as well. What got me wondering, though, was the difference in the running times according to Universal TV's U.S. site ( and their UK site ( - 6 hrs 41 minutes vs. 6 hrs 13 minutes. Probably just a misprint or something like that. Still, it would be nice to have corroboration from someone who has the UK set.
Re: Question (or two) about the UK 2nd season DVD set
Pete I agree with you about the "new" pictures of Peter on the cover. The 3rd season set, due out today here, has a picture that looks like it comes from the newer episodes. Couldn't they have used a picture that came from the 3rd season???
Re: Question (or two) about the UK 2nd season DVD set
Maybe the difference in running times is due to the different frame rates between NTSC and PAL. I think NTSC is 29 point something frames a second while PAL is 25. So an NTSC print would be longer in length but contain the same footage.