Here are the first seven I've done. Feel free to discuss and/or disagree!
Johnny Cash, Swan Song
INTELLIGENCE – 5: Brown is not as quick on his feat as many of Columbo’s best foes; however, his gambit at the airport had Columbo stumped for a few moments
VILENESS – 6: His peccadilloes are certainly questionable, but one must give Brown credit for not offing his wife years ago. Plus, “Any man that can sing like that can’t be all bad”
CHARISMA – 10: By the time the murder is solved, Columbo has come to genuinely like Tommy Brown. The killer also gets away with calling Columbo “little buddy”
DEVOTION – 5: In the end, he admits that he would have confessed eventually… but he looked pretty darn cocky at that airport
PHYSICAL – 8: Murder by plane crash is one of the most daring things attempted by a Columbo murderer, and fighting the pain of a broken leg in the midst of his scheme takes a tough guy
COURAGE – 6: The crime is conducted in a very isolated area where there is little risk of discovery, but Brown does not crack easily when he becomes Columbo’s prime suspect
TOTAL – 40
Leonard Nimoy, A Stitch in Crime
INTELLIGENCE – 9: Mayfield’s murder plan is quite cunning, and he acts quickly to tie up loose ends. In the end, however, there was just one loose end too many for him to handle
VILENESS – 9: The not-so-good doctor is one of Columbo’s most vicious adversaries, making murder attempts (with various degrees of success) on three people
CHARISMA – 6: At his party he appears friendly and charming, but Sharon Martin certainly sees through that façade. He loses points for making Columbo lose his temper
DEVOTION – 10: Dr. Mayfield doesn’t care how many people he has to kill to get a little fame and fortune, and you can tell that thoughts of confession never crossed his mind
PHYSICAL – 7: His first murder plot requires a good deal of physical skill – and hiding the suture on Columbo required a lot of dexterity
COURAGE – 9: Mayfield’s first “murder” – and a later cover-up – takes place in front of a room full of experienced surgical personnel, where one slip could mean discovery
TOTAL – 50
Laurence Harvey, The Most Dangerous Match
INTELLIGENCE – 9: A world chess champion with a photographic memory. He can play ten or more people at once – but he can’t beat Tomlin Dudek, and his concentration is quickly destroyed by Columbo’s psychological warfare
VILENESS – 7: While manipulating heartbroken Linda Robinson, Emmet Clayton is at his loathsome worse. However, his actions arise from a fear of Dudek and, ultimately, a fear of failure
CHARISMA – 4: Chess players are not renowned for their social skills, and Clayton is no exception. He doesn’t even bother trying to charm Columbo, suggesting he take a correspondence course when the Lieutenant asks for chess pointers
DEVOTION – 7: Clayton’s actions make him a nervous wreck. By the end of the episode, he was probably wishing he had kept his hands clean
PHYSICAL – 5: He is capable of manhandling an overweight, elderly man, but his physical skills are hampered (and his destruction is ultimately brought about) by that hearing aid
COURAGE – 6: His infiltrations of Dudek’s room require steady nerves, but he still couldn’t bring himself to face the chess champion on the field of battle
TOTAL – 38
Donald Pleasence, Any Old Port in a Storm
INTELLIGENCE – 7: Carsini’s crime is one of passion, so he must formulate his murder plan very quickly. Unfortunately, his obsession with wine causes him to make some critical errors
VILENESS – 5: His incredible devotion to his craft drives him to murder. However, by the end of the episode we find ourselves sympathizing more with Adrian than with Ric
CHARISMA – 9: Adrian Carsini manages to form a bond with Columbo seldom seen in the series, but the explosion at the restaurant reveals a slight vein of snobbery in the man
DEVOTION – 10: Twenty-five years of his life have been devoted to the winemaking business, and he loves the Carsini Winery above all else. It is a testament to his devotion, then, that he would sacrifice his precious collection of wines as a final attempt to escape justice
PHYSICAL – 4: A small, weak man, Carsini’s greatest physical skill is his ability to decant wine
COURAGE – 7: Leaving his brother’s body to suffocate in his personal wine cellar and keeping his brother’s car in the winery garage, Carsini flies all the way to New York and spends an entire week there. Gutsy
TOTAL – 42
Ray Milland, The Greenhouse Jungle
INTELLIGENCE – 6: The kidnapping/murder scheme that he cooks up is quite elaborate, but Uncle Jarvis leaves enough clues to choke a horse. His condescending attitude and the stress he puts on the “phases” of his plan also point to an inner insecurity
VILENESS – 8: Murdering your own nephew and framing his wife is pretty low, and he admits to caring for Tony less than he does for a sack of peat moss
CHARISMA – 3: Cruel, acidic and arrogant, Jarvis is truly one of Columbo’s most loathsome foes. It’s obvious that the Lieutenant took a good deal of pleasure in arresting this killer
DEVOTION – 9: Even as he’s being arrested, Goodland’s natural arrogance doesn’t fade. He remains a mean-spirited old man to the last
PHYSICAL – 4: The hairpiece can’t cover up the fact that he is a weak, elderly man
COURAGE – 7: Sneaking into his sleeping niece’s room to plant the incriminating gun is daring. The scene where Columbo pulls him over while Tony is hiding in his trunk is also a testament to Jarvis’ courage under fire
TOTAL – 37
Gene Barry, Prescription: Murder
INTELLIGENCE – 10: A supremely intelligent individual, Flemming plans everything down to the smallest detail. He’s a shrewd judge of character and uses his psychological expertise to perpetrate what could have been the perfect murder
VILENESS – 10: On his anniversary, he runs off to have a tryst with one of his patients. He manipulates the naïve Joan Hudson into helping him, and later admits that she’s a “dime-a-dozen little actress” and that “something would have been arranged” after he was free and clear
CHARISMA – 9: Handsome, smooth and charming, Flemming is capable of allaying the fears of his suspicious wife and uses his powerful friends to put the pressure on Columbo
DEVOTION – 10: This guy never cracked. Even when he thought Joan was dead, he showed no signs of remorse – after all, he was willing to kill her, too
PHYSICAL – 6: Dr. Flemming’s strength is cerebral, not physical. Still, the strangulation of his wife required a good deal of strength and brutality
COURAGE – 8: As the killer put it: “It takes a strong nervous system”. He is unflappable even after he learns his wife survived the attack and never even breaks a sweat when he and Joan (disguised as his wife) are going through the airport
TOTAL – 53
John Cassavetes, Etude in Black
INTELLIGENCE – 7: While the Maestro conducts his scheme smoothly, little details constantly escape him. Knowing Jennifer’s phone number, forgetting his lapel flower, the suicide note – all those little slip-ups come back to haunt him
VILENESS – 9: Benedict’s about as sleazy and heartless as they come. However, somewhere deep inside, he was still in love with Janice
CHARISMA – 7: He’s a temperamental prima donna onstage, berating his crew and his orchestra. Then again, anybody who can attract that many beautiful women can’t be all bad
DEVOTION – 9: While he does break down when his wife refuses to lie for him, Benedict’s arrogance remains intact. One gets the impression that his only regret was being exposed in front of “the little people”
PHYSICAL – 6: He knows how to conduct an orchestra well, but that jog to the garage and back has him breaking quite a sweat
COURAGE – 8: Alex Benedict took quite a few risks in pursuit of his objective and appeared on live television shortly after murdering his mistress. This killer’s supreme self-confidence never failed him.
TOTAL – 46
So there you have it! Just to review, my results are as follows:
Dr. Ray Flemming (53)
Dr. Barry Mayfield (50)
Alex Benedict (46)
Adrian Carsini (42)
Tommy Brown (40)
Emmet Clayton (38)
Jarvis Goodland (37)
Comments? Questions?
Interesting project! I just re-watched "Prescripton Murder" and Gene Barry, one of my favorite tv actors, was great as Dr. Ray Fleming. I have to say that I didn't think he would have the strength to strangle his wife.
Absolutely terrific post Dirk! You have put a lot of work into it....and I am looking forward to the future ones.
I'll take a shot at the nine episodes within the Season 1 DVD collection.......
Prescription: Murder Ray Flemming
Total Score: 50
Intelligence 10 Very carefully planned and calculated crime.
Vileness 7 His wife may have made things difficult for him with a divorce, though he should not have had to resort to murder.
Charisma 10 Plenty or charisma, especially in that unforgettable scene with Columbo in the office which sets the stage for the series character.
Devotion 10 Not even the supposed death of his girlfriend will stop Flemming's determination to get away with the perfect murder.
Physical 5 This murder plot is for the most part a mental game.
Courage 8 He has acknowledged and accepted that it takes a strong nervous system. Dr. Flemming and his wife were in the public eye and the scheme risks total ruin.
Ransom For a Dead Man Leslie Williams
Total Score: 49
Intelligence 9 Brilliant woman. A minus one for being so fast to use the marked bills from the false kidnapping to pay Margaret.
Vileness 10 The only female killer of the series we do not feel sorry for.
Charisma 7 A lot of it, though the "Arrest me or get out of here" line warrants a few points lost.
Devotion 10 Leslie never wants to get caught especially since she is convinced no one will catch her.
Physical 9 It is mentioned that Paul Williams is "six foot or better," implying that he must weigh a significant amount as well. Leslie's physical strength is impressive to transport her husband's body like that.
Courage 4 Not much courage is required because this woman has no conscience to begin with.
Murder By the Book Ken Franklin
Total Score: 48
Intelligence 7 He worked his one-time idea for a Melville mystery to perfection, though he did not have many other ideas as comparable.
Vileness 9 Franklin lets his ego get the best of him when his partner simply wants to write on his own.
Charisma 9 Charming, yet a bit impatient.
Devotion 8 Minus two points for quickly submitting to the not so convincing final clue.
Physical 6 Has to transport the body, though Ken is probably stronger than Leslie Williams.
Courage 9 It takes a lot to commit two murders, especially when the second victim is not really looking to expose him.
Death Lends a Hand Mr. Brimmer
Total Score: 45
Intelligence 9 Mr. Brimmer appears to know a lot in trying to cover up the crime and make it appear to be a mugging.
Vileness 6 He did not mean to do it, though he is very unethical in the way he runs his business.
Charisma 5 Bad temper, obviously.
Devotion 8 He wants to cover up crime, though this is the rare occasion where the killer fully confesses at the end.
Physical 8 A lot of hard work to cover up this unpremeditated crime.
Courage 9 It takes a lot of courage to cover up a crime at all, let alone a crime you did not intend to commit in the first place.
Dead Weight Martin Hollister
Total Score: 50
Intelligence 7 Relies too much on his charm in going after Helen Stewart.
Vileness 7 Tries to be logical, though the murder is still very cruel.
Charisma 10 Charisma all the way.
Devotion 10 He has a huge ego and is very interested in getting away with the crime and not damaging his reputation.
Physical 9 He must have been exhausted not getting any sleep for that long of a time.
Courage 7 Although he obviously had a great deal of courage from his war career, it was very necessary to maintain it in this situation.
Suitable For Framing Dale Kingston
Total Score: 51
Intelligence 9 Minus one for ever allowing the
stolen paintings in his possession that close to Columbo, regardless of whether or not they were hidden.
Vileness 10 A first class scum all the way.
Charisma 10 How else could he have convinced Tracy O'Connor to help him with the crime and later convince Aunt Edna to have her house searched?
Devotion 10 Dale Kingston has no remorse and has his eyes fixed on the finish line of inheriting his uncle's art collection.
Physical 6 Not much physical labor, except perhaps pushing Tracy's car off the cliff.
Courage 6 Not much bravery exhibited here. Dale is satisfied that he has commit the perfect crime.
Lady in Waiting Beth Chadwick
Total Score: 50
Intelligence 7 She set up a scheme which is a bit too risky with herself as the one and only suspect.
Vileness 9 Her brother has held her back, though it has been with her best interests in mind and she should not have killed him.
Charisma 8 A bit, though tempermental and domineering as we see when the episode progresses.
Devotion 10 Totally devoted to covering up the crime, so much that she is even willing to dump Peter.
Physical 6 A little involved in running around after the hasty change of scheme when things do not go quite as planned.
Courage 10 For someone who has not proven to herself that she can form so much self-confidence, Beth shows a lot by going all out and heading straight for the top without remorse.
Short Fuse Roger Stanford
Total Score: 47
Intelligence 10 Another very carefully calculated crime. Roger has it all worked out.
Vileness 9 His uncle is blackmailing him, though Roger has been lazy and should accept his own shortcomings.
Charisma 8 He knows what it takes to impress those he wants to impress. Knows how to get on people's nerves too with that pink stuff.
Devotion 10 Roger will not stop until he is President of Stanford Chemicals, and he almost made it.
Physical 5 Not much. Just forging report on Quincy's typewriter.
Courage 5 Roger did not show much in that final scene, which proves to be his undoing.
Blueprint For Murder Elliott Markham
Total Score: 53
Intelligence 9 The final part of dumping the body was too risky so soon after the televised search of the pile.
Vileness 7 Elliott Markham is a villain, though a lot of passion comes from his desire to embark on such a huge architectural project as Williamson City.
Charisma 10 Charismatic from start to finish. He is convincing as so confident in his plan that he can be tactful.
Devotion 9 Again, dumping that body is a risk and he must feel that there is a significant chance he will be caught.
Physcial 9 Bo Williamson was a big man to transport.
Courage 9 It takes a great deal of courage to knock off such a big, politically powerful, obnoxious loudmouth.
"I'll play."
Dr. Bart Kepple, Double Exposure
Intelligence. Genius level. Genuinely smarter than Columbo.
Vileness. Uses a "woman of negotiable virtue" to seduce and blackmail married male clients into giving him whatever he wants. Will murder, once, twice or more. And frame an innocent person for it.
Charisma. Charming, witty and urbane. He has to be, as a salesman.
Devotion. No way is this guy gonna give up. Columbo can search til perdition hosts the winter Olympics and he will never find the small caliber gun for which he is looking.
Physical. In good shape, but that is hardly a requirement.
Courage. Commits murder when he might be caught by someone making an emergency trip to the restroom. No guarantee Victor will leave the theater. Never flinches when Columbo nearly runs over him with a golf cart and parries all Columbo's verbal thrusts with ease on the golf course. The only person smart enough to catch Kepple is Kepple.
Harold Van Wyck Playback
Intelligence. A genius in his field of electronics. Relates to people like a machine. Near zero people skills.
Vileness. Off the charts. Breaks the stench-o-meter. Marries a delightful handicapped woman strictly for her money. Treats her more like an inconvenience than a wife. Calmly murders his mother in law by shooting from the hip, displaying all the emotion of the Sphinx. Condescends to his brother in law, wife, Columbo and probably everyone else who has the misfortune to know him. Treats underlings like the gadgets in his smart house. "I clap my hands, you jump, understand?" All but spray paints his whereabouts on the ground in front of Baxter, on whom his perfect alibi will depend. Is already planning his next sexual conquest before Margaret is room temperature. Meets and ignores dog. A detestable man.
Charisma. When needed, he can turn on the suave to woo the gullible Elizabeth. And who knows how many other women?
Devotion. Even when caught, he just refuses to give up. Is he not the great genius?
Physical. Not known or required. Can wheel Elizabeth around, literally and figurativly.
Courage. Not needed, killing Margaret is a terribly cowardly act. Nothing he does requires any real daring.
Sean Brantley Columbo Cries Wolf
Intelligence. Cunning, but hardly smart.
Vileness. Will do anything to maintain his Hefner-esque existence. Including killing his long time bed and business partner.
Charisma. Well, woman seem to like him.
Devotion. Plan hinges on the police, especially the one who will make fools of them selves during the fake murder/disappearnace leaving him the heck alone during the real one. Would rather die than give up.
Physical. Workouts, swimming and sexual hijinks keep him in good shape. Has to lift his partner's body.
Courage. None required. Can call off his plan any time he is guaranteed ownership of the porno mag. When that does not happen, cruelly snaps his partner's neck. And hides her where Columbo has looked earlier.
Edmund Galvin Try and Catch Me
Intelligence Smart enough to get away with killing his wife and disposing of her body at sea. Too stupid to realize his Aunt by marriage and even her secretary know he did it.
Vileness Someone get an Airwick.
Charisma Wooed and wed Phyliss. Thinks women are all attracted to him. Someone oughta kill him.
Devotion "I'll never get caught."
Physical Rides horseback, sails, and can toss a weighted body overboard. Probably dives as well. Can hold his breath for a long time. This may come in handy one day, you never know.
Courage A creep who would beat up anyone fully half his size. Or commit murder in the middle of the ocean with no witnessess possible. Zero courage.
Oh, that was fun.
Well....I am glad it was fun for you was fun for me too! Thanks!
great thread! i am too tired to do my own ratings, but i am really enjoying reading everyone else's.
I'm glad this seems to be such a hit. Personally I think it's tough to rate how smart everyone is, because just about every killer Columbo goes up against seems smarter than I am (except maybe Findlay Crawford).
I'm interested in how the "newer" Columbo killers will stack up against the "older" ones. I'm including a batch of them in my next set.
Keep it up, fellows! I've missed being away from the forum for so long.