The thing that bothers me about "Any Old Port" is that even if it got to be more than 150 degrees in the wine cellar and the wine oxidized, so what? How exactly does knowing this solve the murder?
Another one that bugs me is "Identity Crisis", which, again, is still a good episode in spite of its big flaw.
Nelson Brenner blew it big time by meeting Geronimo at the amusement park. Geronimo himself noted that but Brenner feels the "safest place" to hold a clandestine
meeting is a crowded public place. However, the danger is that someone will remember the two of them being together, as did the shooting gallery operator...not to mention the photographer who got them on film. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!
Boy, Guys! These were great! You really ripped them apart!!! But really, very interesting points.
Sorry to talk about Etude in Black again..but there are a few things that have always bothered me.
First the flower! Columbo is sooooooo observant....why the heck didn't he notice it on the was right there. He surely should have seen it...or even some of the other officers who were present at the time.
And fingerprints! Alex Benedict had obviously been to Jenifer Welles' apartment numerous times. His fingerprints had to be all over the place. Even when he entered that night he wasn't wearing gloves at the time...he had to have left prints on the door knob. And the same could be said for Paul Rifkin's prints too...he visited her often as well and yet there is no mention of finding his or Alex's prints anywhere. What the heck were the police dusting??
Regarding fingerprints, I would imagine that
Joe Devlin left a lot on the the bottle of
"Full's Irish Dew" that he kicked with his
foot over to the body of Vincent Pauley
in "The Conspirators". He clearly
had no chance to wipe them off after
the shooting, and fingerprints are
probably better proof than the
scratch marks.
Galesko had Alvin inspect the properties for him. So, presumably Alvin's fingerprints are all over the houses, including the crime scene. But not on the alarm clock. Why?
In Lovely but Lethal, Viveca's prints should be on the magazine that she wrote on to offer Carl more money. Columbo looks at it closely enough to notice that the figures were written with a make-up pencil, but why doesn't he see or check for any prints?
And 2 telephone problems....
In How to Dial a Murder...couldn't they check the phone records to see if Dr. Mason had called from the examining room when he was having his test done?
And on the same Old Fashioned Murder...couldn't they check the phone records of the museum to see if Milton Schaeffer actually called his brother from there?
And I always thought Dr. Mason was quite lucky that there was a telephone in the examination room, that he could get an outside line, and that he knew the code for an outside line. And that the doctor would leave him alone at exactly 3:00. Also, what if Charlie wouldn't have answered the phone? It's not his house, not his phone...I wouldn't have answered it.