The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

The two of them are so typically suited for one another. They are a bit sloppy and sluggish...they both have cute little hang-dog faces....they are both adorable...they both put up an appearance as being slow, but neither of them are...they both love ice cream cones....and watching tv....and they sort of look like each other....and they both love one another.
AND...neither of them has a first name! Now....we have been over and over and over and over the fact that Columbo doesn't have a first name (Paul? are you in some hotel lobby getting some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's? )..........but we have never discussed Dog's name........I would nominate Benny...but that is just because my Benny The Beagle has a gun to my head right now and he told me to say that........ok Benny? I said it!...(he is still teed off that no one mentioned his picture in the Columbo Car thread)...............ok...he left the room....thank heavens.........I would also think a fitting name for Dog would be something Italian....Guido..Biagio..Giuseppe..Mario.....whatever...or even Fido, as the Vet mentioned in Etude in Black.........oh no!!! Benny just came back into my office...he looks angry!!! He has looked at my post and saw the other names....he has his gun pointed at me!!!................"NO Benny Don't!!!"...................

Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

Before this even begins Dogs name was Dog end off, no fido, no sid, no ploppy the poodle just simple straight forward dog.

As for Benny, he's a clever dog being able to hold a gun, might win at Crufts in the most dangerous category. Plus theres a plot for a future columbo, the family animal does it after the owners change food type.

God bless

Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

One question what is Crufts?

Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

Crufts is a dog show held every year in Britain where dogs are awarded for looking good etc and shown on the tv on bbc 2. Suprised it hasnt been banned for being offensive to cats or a dog owner hasnt said its unfair and non-PC incase the poodle is heavily affected by not winning and becomes depressed.

God bless,


Re: Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

Did anyone mention that we know little about Dog's home life: wife, kids, etc. Much like Columbo. Undoubtedly Dog's humility fools many into believing he isn't as bright as he seems just as his master does.

Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

Michael...that was very very funny!!
Dog probably lives a wonderful life....I'd love to see what his wife looks like. But he did have that crush on that cocker spaniel in Negative Reaction...does that mean he was cheating on his wife?

Re: Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

-they both eat ice cream

-they don't follow orders/directions very well, remember Dog was ousted from obediance school?

-their "coat" tends to be slightly wrinkled and baggy

-they have very expressive eyes IMO

Re: Re: What Do Dog And Columbo Have In Common?

Good point!! If that were true, he's be very dissimilar to our hero. Columbo--like so many happily married men--seems embarrassed at the mention of sex. . . which I'm sure Dog is not.