The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo's Favourite Things

ok...i went out on a limb and posted that thingy about "what do dog and columbo have in common" now i will go even further........
what are columbo's favourite things?
what is his favourite meal?...besides chili...i think maybe lasagna.
and what is his favourite book?....i think war and peace.
and what is his favourite movie?...high noon.
and what is his favourite tv show?....bonanza.
and what is his favourite dance?...the 'cha-cha'.
and what is his favourite music?....classical!
and what is his favourite baseball team?...the yankees.
come on people...give me some help..........

Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

Besides chili, I tend to think Columbo prefers seafood before lasagna.

Favorite book is probably a tie between the Paul Galesko work about San Quentin and the Franklin and Ferris writings referred to in "Murder By the Book."

His favorite movie is "This Gun For Hire."

His favorite TV show is "Columbo."

It is logical to assume that his favorite baseball team is either the Yankees, Dodgers, or Giants.

Re: Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

One of his wife's favorite sports is bowling, but does he ever mention whether he likes it or not?

Re: Re: Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

He must like bowling to a degree if he can shrug off the awkward experience in "It's All in the Game" and head to take his wife bowling at the very end of the episode.

Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

favourite snack - peanut butter & raisin sandwich (well i saw him eat it once!)
favourite drink - strong black coffee

anyone know what american footie team he supports?

Re: Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

I'm hesitant to speculate on his favorite things because if he's like most of us, he does different stuff at home than he does at work. I often eat at a nearby restaurant while at work that I'd never think about visiting over a weekend . . . I suppose I'm thinking most of us get away from our jobs at home. Is there a reason to think our everyman hero wouldn't do the same? Maybe he reads Proust and prunes roses--but I doubt it.

Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

well michael that is how i took it too...that he does things different at home than he does when he is working. that is why i didn't pick the obvious things that are shown in the episodes...i figured he had his preferences at home that wouldn't be the same as when he was working on a case.
mac....hi.....when does he eat a peanut butter and raisin sandwich?? ........and i think he may be a ny giant football fan....since he supposedly hailed from ny...and i don't think columbo would have been a ny jets fan!

Re: Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

Football team: he took a keen interest in the radio broadcast in Most Crucial Game. I don't know who the teams were, but if one was a NY team, he might be rooting for them.

Rah, oh, and have one on me

Re: Re: Re: Columbo's Favourite Things

The question does bring up an issue I'd never considered. Columbo mentions he can never solve the murders in murder mysteries, so they're not his favorite genre (of course he could have been saying that to throw off the murderer). Does he ever give any clues as to what he enjoys reading? His wife--I think--likes mysteries (again, if he wasn't just throwing off the killer).