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Louisiana Tragedy

I have been watching cnn and the other news stations and all I am doing is crying. It is such a miserable tragedy. To see all these people sitting and laying in garbage ridden streets. Old people, babies, all crying and asking for help. Some people have not had food for days.
And there are other shots of people stranded in buildings and on rooftops waving bedsheets and rags and screaming for help.
It is all so terribly sad.....May God bless them and give them strength.

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

I also saw how devasting Katrina was. She
was very bad to that state. I live in Texas and our
gas prices have gone up to 2.95 cents. I think other
states will also be hit because of this,

But always remember this What man sees as evil good
uses for good.

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

Shows however much we are think we are in control, when it comes down to it we're helpless. Gods in control regardless of whatever/whoever we decide it is.

God bless,


Re: Re: Louisiana Tragedy

Two days without power in Mobile, Alabama. Big deal. My Aunt is fine in Baton Rouge, her daughter flew down from Idaho before the storm to stay with her while her husband, my uncle, had back surgery. They had a day or so without power and like me, a trashed yard. I can not complain. I dread the next several months and the rest of hurricane season. God help us all.


Re: Louisiana Tragedy

I am thinking of you Joe, and your family.............hope all goes well....

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

I'm sorry, I know this is a Columbo forum....but this is just too much. There are people who are dying and who are hungry and thirsty....and this is in America?!!
Why are they not dropping food and water to these people? What is going on in this country??
And what is all this stuff about these guys shooting off their guns at people? Today there was a sniper guy who shot at doctors who were trying to evacuate very ill patients to another hospital................what is going on????
It is a despicable thing which is happening....where is the help?...where is the humanity?....where is all the kindness?
We help all other countries in their time of need...why can't we get in there and help these poor people? It is so pathetic!
Have you seen the pictures? It is so upsetting. All these people huddled together in the heat and needing water and food....all the babies and little ones crying...and all the older folks hoping to be saved.............oh unbelievable and unbearable for them........
Bush better do something soon.....I won't get into politics...I hate politics.....but he better find a way to help these people.....Again I will say, may God look over them and bless them........

Re: Re: Louisiana Tragedy

Fema is being harshly cricized for not sending aid fast enough. When they send aide to the tsunami victims over seas. Fema may believe becasue it is in a state not a country that that stae is responsible for themselves. I myself think it is pretty sad. I thank God that I live in Texas and not near the gulf.

Our local HEb is taking donations for food,diapers, peanut butter, water and snack bars. I myself is going to donate some money to the victims. I feel very sad for the children and the elderly who can't fend for themselves. SOme experts are predicitng that this is only the beginning and mother nature is going to kick are ass for mistreating her all these years.
All my prayers for the victims in this state

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

There is so much that is happening. And people are even trying to make this into a racial and class issue because most of the people effected are black or poor. It is getting very sad. These are PEOPLE who need help. Regardless of their race or social status...they are PEOPLE who are suffering...and suffering so sadly and badly. They need help now...right at this minute...our government and FEMA are not doing enough..they are not acting quickly many more will die if they don't start acting in a responsible way. You can see people passing out all the time on these pictures from the news..and little babies crying....and there are the precious older folks who I just cry heart breaks for them...

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

Unfortunately when you get right down to skin, too many humans only look after themselves and this is definately going to turn into a political debate where the people who are suffering will be looked over in favour of the steady stream of votes.

Its time that instead of looking for ways of pointing the finger, people pull together and help these people now as Cass said. Forget everything else just come together and do what they can.

I will pray for these people who are stranded and in need of help.

God bless,


Re: Louisiana Tragedy

As everyone says....very terrible suffering and tragedy which we can all only hope ends as soon as possible. Things seem to be picking up now but would the response from the Bush administration have been so slow and lacklustre had this disaster occurred August 04 rather than August 05?

Re: Louisiana Tragedy

Excellent Question Paul!