The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

I finally got around to viewing the "Mrs Columbo" that came with season 3. To tell the truth, it wasn't too bad...Donald Pleasence is too fine an actor to make the show terrible. He plays a weaker, dumber character than he did as Adrian Carsini, but given the material he had, he put in his best effort. But, of course, it isn't the real "Columbo". I noticed in the credits there are names associated with the original Columbo like Richard Alan Simmons and Howard Berk.
Ms Mulgrew certainly doesn't have the image of what I have of what the real Mrs Columbo is like.
In any event, does anyone know how long
the "Mrs Columbo" lasted and what kind of ratings it had? IIRC Levinson and Link forced the producers to change the name of the show in the middle of the season.

Re: Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

I don't know the exact ratings it got, but they must have been bad as the show went through a name change and was titled "Kate Loves a Mystery." The show only ran 12 episodes (perhaps 13 as are 13 titles, but 2 of them have the same credits).

Here is a neat link about the show with show original TV Guide advertising.

Re: Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

I agree really wasn't all that bad...but I think that had to do with the fact that the great Donald Pleasence was in it. The last clue wasn't too shabby either.
And I agree that Kate Mulgrew is not the image I have in my head of what Columbo's wife would look like.
And according to the Columbo Phile there were 4 titles...Mrs. Columbo, Kate Columbo, Kate the Detective and Kate Loves a Mystery...and that was all in just one year! There was also mention of her wanting to divorce Columbo!!! Blasphemy!!!

Re: Re: Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

Cassa-it certainly is blasphemy. As we
recall from "Troubled Waters" they won
the trip from a Catholic organization they belonged to, so being good Italian Catholics (I presume she is Italian also) they couldn't get divorced.

Re: Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

After reading the link, am now in knowledge of where silly ideas get around and turn into fact.

God bless,


Re: Mrs Columbo with Donald Pleasence

I'm going to discuss this in another subject area which I think I shall title, "Mrs. Columbo and her sister". SEE YA THERE!