The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Value of Columbo

According to me, the great interest of Columbo lies in the verbal duels between Columbo and the killer. All other considerations pale into insignificance. It makes no difference whether the clues or plots are clever or stupid and so on. Columbo is pure and great entertainment and it should be viewed merely as such. To make comparisons of Columbo with great art etc. seems to be going beyond the scope of its original purpose.

Re: Value of Columbo

I agree completely. That is why I like "Any Old Port in a Storm". The plot is actually ridiculous (wine cellers stay cool on hot days even without air conditioning, and it is impossible that Carsini's friend wouldn't have heard the loud argument between Adrian and Ric just a couple of room away, plus the fact that Adrian would never be able to get a wet suit on a body dead for several days, etc, etc), YET
it is still a good episode for the reasons you state.

Re: Re: Value of Columbo

Total agreement with the wet suit. Carsini would have to strip Rick, and while he was alive and unconcious put the wet suit on him. Then tie him up and leave. No way would that be easy to do, either.


Re: Value of Columbo

Animesh wrote: "To make comparisons of Columbo with great art etc. seems to be going beyond the scope of its original purpose."

Yeah, you are probably right. But Heck! It is a lot of fun!!!

I truly believe that the value of any Columbo episode rests in the strength and richness of the characters, ie..the murderer and also supporting characters. Also, in the chemistry and interplay between Columbo and the murderer. And the little nuances that we all look for from episode to episode. The plot doesn't always have to fit neatly in place, and there are many times it doesn't.
Hey look at it this way, if the plot was always pitch-perfect, what the heck would we talk about on here??

Re: Value of Columbo

Just one little thingy Joe...Ric was already dead when Adrian had to put the wet suit on him.
But I totally agree. Adrian Carsini was not exactly in the greatest physical shape and it is far-fetched to believe he could have done all of this physical stuff.....and on top of it, ride back on a bicycle!!

Re: Value of Columbo

I personally place more value on the plots and clues. The verbal debates are an important aspect, and I enjoy them greatly, but they have to be grounded in some substance. They have to lead to a satisfying conclusion or development in the case.

Re: Value of Columbo

It's certainly nice to see that others are starting to come around to my way of thinking: "Any Old Port In A Storm" is not a very good episode of "Columbo".


Re: Value of Columbo

Is that a champagne bottle, Headache? Care to share?