The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Who Do You Miss??

I was on another forum, and someone brought this up....there are people who come and go...and somehow we connect with some of them.
There have been people on this forum who have touched me, and I have only been here for a short time...a year and a half.
A lot of you people have been here so much longer.....and I just wonder if you miss anyone who hasn't posted in a long time..............I guess my list would include

Abigail Mitchell....I loved her/him.....there was a great Columbo fan....I hope all is well

Fugu...our poison blow fish!........great posts he made...he was terrific!

Nelson Brenner...haven't heard from him in a while...he was terrific!

colsy...a.k.a. colin columbo.....he runs the site....but he is a bit missing in action right now.....(miss you colsy!! )

The Great Santini...(honorable mention!) post sometimes, but not enough for my are always fun... one liner guy....for those of you who don't know, he is ruth gordon's (abigail mitchell's) love...... ...(you know i kid robbie....but come on back!! )

Who have I missed? I know I have missed a lot of folks. Who do you miss?

Re: Who Do You Miss??

Great idea!! Maybe the price of fuel and all the recent natural disasters have diverted attention from the site. Come home, Columboites.

Re: Re: Who Do You Miss??

Its a common occurence on message boards for people to come and go, and sometimes stay away. This especially is true when the subject matter is no longer available, such as the case with Columbo, since its been taken off from regular veiwing.

I have seen this with the Godfather messageboard. Whenever they show the Godfather films on TV, participation goes up.

Re: Who Do You Miss??

I agree Mrs. Peck. I myself am guilty of this thing. Since AMC had Godfather II as their movie of the month I finally broke down and got the collection of the 3 movies. Believe it or not, I did not have them before! (Some guinea I am!!!! ) I bought the vhs set rather than the dvds. The dvds didn't seem to have much more in the area of extras versus the vhs ones...and I guess I am still old-fashioned at heart, and prefer a tape to a dvd. I can't wait for a snowy day in December so me and my honey can spend the day watching them!!
And to get myself back on topic..............I can understand how people come and go on all these different is quite understandable. I guess I just started this thread because it was mentioned on another forum I visit. And I suppose the people I originally mentioned here..(and those that I sadly am forgetting at the moment) just made an impact on me. I know there are so many others...but their names are failing me now. Maybe some long time posters can refresh my memory.

Re: Re: Who Do You Miss??

You should have went with the DVD 5 disc set that is available. It has the 3 films, plus over 3 hours of bonus features. I got it about a year ago at Sam's Club for fifty bucks.

DVD has it all over VHS. Theres no rewinding, you can skip around using the menus, plus you dont have to worry about the tape splitting.

Re: Who Do You Miss??

I know Peck, but where I went, Circuit City and Coconuts, the dvd pack was selling for close to 75 bucks! The vhs package was opted for the cheaper.
I am going to enjoy seeing GDIII again, ever since you said that it is not as terrible as everyone has claimed it to might not rank up there with 1 or 2, but in your opinion, you have said that it is still a great movie....and you know I respect your opinion.

Re: Re: Who Do You Miss??

[am going to enjoy seeing GDIII again, ever since you said that it is not as terrible as everyone has claimed it to might not rank up there with 1 or 2, but in your opinion, you have said that it is still a great movie....and you know I respect your opinion.]

I dont believe I ever said it was a "great" movie. I have always felt that it should have never been made. The best I might have said is that if it wasn't for the GFI and GFII, it might have been a somewhat entertaining film. The casting is terrible, story is very hard to follow, and some of the acting is bad. I heard somewhere that the only reason FFC made it was to make money to buy his winery.

The five disc DVD set is available on Amazon for 50 bucks.

Re: Who Do You Miss??

Yes, I shouldn't have used the word great. I remember you saying that if we hadn't had GFI and GFII, this one probable wouldn't seem so lacking.