The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Citizen Kane - Etude in Black

We all know about the Citizen Kane links in How to Dial A Murder, but what about in Etude in Black. Well, not so much to Citizen Kane but to its creator. The victim in Etude is Jennifer Welles, a child prodigy born in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kane's creator shares the surname, the birth place and the child "prodiginess". Any other connections which I have missed?

Re: Citizen Kane - Etude in Black

There's the importance of the flower (Alex's though is a carnation). Aren't there some camera angles of Alex in performance that may resemble some unusual camera angles in "Kane"? Alex's magnificent home . . .

Re: Citizen Kane - Etude in Black

Great points guys. Never thought of those before. There is one thing that comes to mind for me. This has to do with Welles, not Citizen Kane. He and Cassavetes were quite similar in their approach to making movies. Using their own money, writing, directing, producing, and even sometimes editng their own films. And of course starring in them. They both were not appreciated when they were alive, but after they died their work has been labled genius.

Re: Re: Citizen Kane - Etude in Black

Good point(s). Both characters were somewhat flamboyant, but I suppose that's a characteristic shared by many in their professions.