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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo Quiz Revisited

What show did these lines come from .....

1. "Oh that's a boat. And this is a ship. And that' hell with it."

2. "I can understand about being discreet, but being discreet from the police, that's something else again."

3. "Hang on just a minute sir, I'm looking for a 'K'"

4. "Theodore Albinski? And do I call you Theodore?"

"No sir, you call me Mack."

5. "Coop, when we get to the restaurant you have to compliment him on his car."

Re: Columbo Quiz Revisited

I know three and four. Hold it sir I am lokking for a K was the episode Negative Reaction who starred Dick Van **** as the guest murderer. Columbo told him this in the evidence room when he was trying to re-create the ransom not. Dick added do you need help with your spelling.

The character known as Mack was in the episode Last Saluate To The Commodore. Overall a good episode. Little boring in some parts but overall all pretty good

Re: Columbo Quiz Revisited

#1 is the final line in Troubled Waters.......terrific line!

And I believe #5 is from Columbo Goes to College.

Re: Re: Columbo Quiz Revisited


Re: Columbo Quiz Revisited

Ok..Fred...a couple of 'shots in the blue' about #2....I am guessing maybe either An Old-Fashioned Murder or Identity Crisis.............and even as I type these words, I know I am wrong!

Re: Columbo Quiz Revisited

Think #2 is Grand Deceptions but I'm not 100% certain. In fact, on 2nd thoughts I don't think it is! I can hear him saying it. This is going to bug me until I can think of it.- Wait a minute- it's Double Exposure, isn't it? No it's not that either, is it. Oh man, somebody tell me!