The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Honorable Columbo Mention

I was watching Steven Speilberg's directorial debut "Duel" on dvd today, and in the special features there is a nice interview with Steven who recalls how he came to be hired as director for the ABC movie of the week in 1971. He mentions how the production company asked to see a sample of his work that he was proudest of so he brought them the rough cut of "Columbo, Murder By The Book" which hadn't even aired yet. After viewing this, they called him back and asked for his best ideas on how to go about making "Duel".They show several clips from the episode while he's discussing this; very enjoyable to see. So perhaps if it wasn't for Columbo, Steven Speilberg wouldnt have become the renowned director we know him as today.

Re: Honorable Columbo Mention

It boggles the mind of what could have, or not have, been!
Great story, Jay.