The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Re: Another Columbo/Doctor Who co-ink-a-dink

Cassa, dear sweet Cassa! I just came on the site and went straight to this topic (For some reason, I tend to go straight to the topics I start to look at responses. Does that say something about me???)

I also did not see the nasty post/s aimed at you. I'm so sorry that that happened. Not a "true" Columbo fan at all, that one. Whoever it was. A stranger, right? Don't waste your time on someone like that. Whenever I encounter a nasty post like that, I can't help but realize that the one who tells another that they have no life, is in fact the one who... Wait a sec. I was about to say that someone else has no life. But if I say that, I creat my own conundrum in that I would then be indicating that I myself have no...


Don't go away Cassa. The "true" fans on this board love you. I know I do!

Most Sincerely, Headache2112

Re: Another Columbo/Doctor Who co-ink-a-dink

Cassa, I realise you don't really know me. I have only been visiting here for a couple of weeks or so now, but I have already come to recognise and like several of the regulars-including yourself. When I put up my first post it was you who responded first with "Don't be a stranger" which made me feel welcome straight away. You obviously have friends here and enjoy posting, and I think it would be a great shame if you were to stop.

Re: Another Columbo/Doctor Who co-ink-a-dink

Hey! Thanks guys for the comments. I am truly touched by them. I really am. I mean it.
Look...I am not leaving or anything...I just have decided not to be so annoying...but only for a little while!!!! And then I will go back to being the annoying cassa you love and hate.
I just figure I should just be a normal poster for a while and not feel the need to respond to everything.
I am still here...but I will try not to be so overwhelming.
But watch out!..because one day in the very near future, I will be climbing the walls and I will post up a flurry again...I can't seem to keep my mouth shut!!....................Be Afraid...Be very Afraid!!

Re: Another Columbo/Doctor Who co-ink-a-dink

Oh..Headache...I wub you too!!

Re: Another Columbo/Doctor Who co-ink-a-dink

umm.....i think i may be climbing the walls...............