The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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The Greenhouse Jungle

I have just watched "The Greenhous Jungle" episode for the first time.
I remeber this as being widely criticized in this forum; I agree the plot is weak but I would like you to refresh me the things you did not like of this episode, so to better focus it.


Re: The Greenhouse Jungle

I didn't like Bradford Dillman's performance and/or character, he was very goofy and stupid. Dillman is actually a very good actor (he played a cold, brilliant evil scientist in Mission: Impossible very well) so they just gave him a dumb role. Another thing I didn't like was at first, Columbo (rightfully) expressed his contempt for Mrs Goodland's
scandalous behavior, but at the end, he seems to feel sorry for her (perhaps because Jarvis was trying to frame her), but she is still not a very sympathetic character.
Also, finding the bullets conveniently proving that the gun found in Mrs Goodland's house really belonged to Jarvis was just too contrived.
Ray Milland was a fine actor, but they make him out to be totally arrogant and obnoxious, I think they could have made him out to be a more nuanced bad guy.
Just my opinion.

Re: Re: The Greenhouse Jungle

Jarvis Goodland was such a miserable guy who was so arrogant toward Columbo that the ending could have been a little more satisfying. There could have been more acknowledgment of Columbo's brilliance by Goodland after he is caught. This is what makes the ending of "Negative Reaction" so sweet, Galesko finally admitting that Columbo is a lot more clever than he appears by saying that he reversed the film deliberately. Goodland should have said something like "I underestimated you," especially since the final clue in "The Greenhouse Jungle" is so particularly clever.

Re: Re: Re: The Greenhouse Jungle

David - find myself agreeing with your opening statement, however, I thought the look on Jarvis' face when 'the light came on' and he realised he was rumbled was great, but totally agree that the Negative Reaction ending was superb!

I liked this episode but have trouble with the car down the cliff

1. How could they do that to an E Type!!
2. How complete was the car? it looked a bit hollow to me, just a rolling shell maybe?

Columbos cliff descent was priceless and certainly the quickest route.