The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

Interviews with Mr. Falk or surviving guests? Nah.

Behind the scenes, missing or deleted scenes? Nah.

Network promos, Mystery Movie opening credits? Nah.

Here's what Universal has in store as an "extra" for the 4th season.

Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

What a waste. Can you imagine if they were to incorporate just a few of those items into this box set? I guess it comes down to laziness and wanting to get a product out there. They know the market is there and the extra effort not worth the cost.

I would love to see outtakes and interviews. Given the era in which this series occurred - the time is now to get the opinions and comments of those involved. Father Time is catching up with them rapidly!

As far as slapping a Mrs. Columbo episode on - who cares!

Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

Boy! this is so wrong!! Why do all the other shows get to have extras and we get Mrs. Columbo??!!!

Re: Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

If it's any consolation, this is happening alas with all of the Universal TV series getting released on DVD. Either no extras or insulting extras in this case. It's now obvious that Universal is trying to be mega-cheap in how they release TV shows on DVD, hence their mass releases of titles this past year was just a case of throwing things out and seeing which stick to the wall. So don't expect at this rate any Season 2s for the other Mystery Movie titles. We just may have to content ourselves with the satisfaction of having all Columbo episodes on DVD since its one of the few series Universal seems committed to releasing all seasons of.

Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

I'm sulking... ....but I will resign myself to it...........

Re: Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

What is Mrs Columbo?

This must have passed me by.

Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.


Concerning your above post: I ENVY YOU!

Re: Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

In the UK we don't even get the Mrs Columbo episodes on our Columbo DVDs. Well, maybe that's an 'extra' in itself

Re: More Mrs. Columbo....yuck.

Yeah, its kind of a corny show, but Kate Mulgrew is pretty cute . I hope they at least include the one with Robert Culp and Bob Dishy. Culp is the coolest