The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo in print

Found this online review of a 1995 Columbo novel this afternoon. Thought it might be of interest.
Anyone read the book?

I haven't been to this forum for months...glad to see it's still thriving!

Re: Columbo in print

Not much of a review, was it? Fred Astaire was originally supposed to play the role of Columbo? I thought it was that other guy who is always going around dreaming of a white Christmas.

I did purchase one of the Harrington Columbo books a few years ago. While I still have it (somewhere) I have no idea which title it is. I found Harrington's take on the Columbo character to be incredibly non-Columbo-like. It seemed to me that Harrington never actually watched an episode of "Columbo". Quite frankly, I thought the book was awful, and I did not bother finishing it.

But hey, that's just me!

Re: Re: Columbo in print

I agree. I've got all the Harrington Columbo books and none of them were faithful in any way to the spirit of the show. They were almost the opposite, in fact - the mystery takes a back seat to the very graphic levels of sex and violence. Plus he tries to shoehorn in little historical elements like the Kennedy assassination, Jimmy Hoffa, Charles Manson and J. Edgar Hoover's files. What next? Columbo vs. Dracula?

Plus, Columbo did very un-Columbo-esc things like talk about sex without appearing uncomfortable and constantly accepting drinks while on duty. In retrospect they were all fairly lame.

Re: Columbo in print

"I thought it was that other guy who is always going around dreaming of a white Christmas."

Re: Re: Columbo in print

Danny Kaye?

Re: Re: Re: Columbo in print

BINGO! It had to be one of 'em

Re: Columbo in print

HULLO!!! Bing Crosby!!