The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Murder, Inc.

Saw this movie on cable twice over the weekend. Peter Falk excellent and very realistic as the psychotic contract killer.
Still a slightly strange experience viewing "Columbo" on the wrong side of the law, so to speak.
Illuminating to see him pay attention to the little details of the role such as the unusual way he keeps his hands in front of him when he stands still and the way in which he never quite seems to be listening to what he's being told. Ever.
It's attention to detail which separates a great actor from a run-of-the-mill one.
I think this movie's from round about 1959/60, isn't it?
Only downside to the film is the abrupt and sloppy way in which it's brought to a conclusion.....and as PF's character has fallen (or been pushed) out of the window by then, no blame can be attached to him for this

Re: Murder, Inc.

If a movie features Columbo killing Buddy Sorrell (from "The Dick VanDyke Show") you know it's got to be good! (Don't want anyone to think I hate Buddy Sorrell. I love "TDVDS" - Buddy included!)

Re: Murder, Inc.

It is a great flick, Steve. It is one of the reasons I fell in love with Peter Falk as a young girl. Um...I was the young girl, not him!!! His performance in this one was electrifying!!!
I wasn't too thrilled with the quick ending either but other than that I absolutely love this movie.
A little theory I have about why he stood there with his hands in front of him........................Bogart used to do the same thing when he was playing a life-long mobster. He said it was because guys like that were constantly in and out of prison, and obviously handcuffed at various times. In those days they handcuffed criminals in the front. So these guys were used to having their hands in front of their body like that, and when they got out of jail they sort of just 'assumed the position'. It is very possible that Peter picked up on this and adopted it for this role.