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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Tintin and the Peugeot 403

Hi everybody,

I have nothing very interesting to say, but since I'm always on the lookout for anything Columboish I feel very happy every time I find anything (even though the relationship may be weak - and this time it's very weak). It's something I had often seen without REALLY seeing it.

Last weekend I was reading a Tintin comic; I don't know whether you'll know Tintin (a Belgian character very popular over here). It was the comic called "Castafiore's jewels" (I hope you'll know which one it is, that's the translation of the Spanish title, not the English one). And I realized that Castafiore's car is a Peugeot 403 that can be seen in about ten drawings (there's no doubt about it, you can see a "403" written on the bonnet). It's a dark blue car and although it's not a convertible and it has four doors, it's Columbo's car!

I warned you that this wasn't going to be stunning, but I liked it... With the hundreds of different car brands and models, seeing a Peugeot 403 isn't that common!

Re: Tintin and the Peugeot 403

When I was a kid in Southern California
in the 1960's, we had a Peugeot 403, but
it was a regular sedan, not Columbo's convertible.
Californians usually like hot, sleek cars, so
it was really ununsual for the time and place.
It is really appropriate for someone like
Columbo, totally plain and unpretentious.
It even had a crank to start the car
(just like in the good, old days) in case
the starter ever went out, but I don't recall
we ever used it!.