The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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A Return Match?

Just a quick thought: anyone ever pondered the idea of a convicted Columbo killer (having served his time) trying his luck again - right underneath the Lieutenant's nose? Or is it a silly notion? He or she would certainly not make the big mistake of underestimating our hero again would they?

Re: A Return Match?

I've thought for a long time now that Robert Culp's "Brimmer" character from "Death Lends A Hand" would be the perfect murderer to return for a second murderous go.

The murder he committed was not premeditated. It was an accident. Therefore Brimmer would not have been given a life sentence. Then, besides that, Robert Culp's portrayal of Brimmer really made the character a nasty, smarmy jerk. The kind of guy who, had he actually planned the murder beforehand, would have been absolutely certain that he would get away with it. Of course, Robert Culp is still alive, healthy, wealthy and wise (I presume) so therefore could make a return killing.

Re: Re: A Return Match?

It's hard for me to envision a scenario of Columbo matching wits with a killer from before who's killed again. OTOH, the first Columbo fanfic story I wrote took the idea in another direction of having Columbo solve the murder of a previous killer who had been released from prison and been murdered himself (in this case, Dr. Ray Flemming from "Prescription Murder").

Re: Re: Re: A Return Match?

And I still think Eric's idea would be the absolutely perfect final episode for Peter to bow out with.

I'm just a voice in the wilderness...!