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Re: another humorous scene

That is a good point regarding their facial expressions and how they were stage actors. Sims is such a delight....a real treasure in this. I love towards the end when he is looking out his bedroom window and he spots the boy and asks him to go to the butcher for him....and he is filled with such giddiness and emotion...'wonderful boy...delightful boy!'.........

Ok............I'll stop sorry, sabra. I went way off topic there...(but it is such a great flick!)

There are so many humourous scenes in Columbo, it is so difficult to choose. The first one that popped into my head was one from Forgotten Lady when he arrives at Grace Wheeler's house. He and Dog have just finished eating ice cream cones and Dog's snout is covered in vanilla ice cream, and Columbo tells him to clean his face!
Another, which also involves Dog, is from Mind Over Mayhem when Columbo is talking to the Adimistrator of a school. One might think that they are discussing a child of Columbo's instead of Dog, as the Administrator says that he has to leave the school. And then when Columbo asks if he could leave Dog there for just a bit longer the Administrator says no, because he demoralizes the other students!

Re: Re: another humorous scene

The all-time funniest though is the exchanges he has with Galesko in "Negative Reaction" - Columbo asks Galesko if he wouldn't mind stopping by his family event to 'take a few pictures' and the reply he gets was flat out hilarious.