The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Exercise In Fatality

Have I found a goof?? When Milo Janus is struggling with Stafford near the coffee pot, you can clearly hear glass breaking (assuming it's the coffee pot that broke). Yet the next day, there is only coffee on the rug, no glass particles whatsoever. Also, how does a coffee pot break if it falls on carpet in the first place? Just some observations, yes, I am wayyyyy too hooked on this!

Re: Exercise In Fatality

Hmmmm.....Well I guess he could have cleaned up the glass if indeed it was the coffee pot and not maybe a coffee cup. But then I would think Columbo would be asking what happened to the coffee pot?

How does a coffee pot break if it falls on carpet? How does it not? Just to be sure, I think you should get out your Mr. Coffee and give it a try by dropping it in the middle of your living room and see what happens You know, kind of like that "Will it Float" experiment they do on David Letterman....We can play "Will it Break" .........Report back to us once you tried it.

Re: Exercise In Fatality

Rexie, you're a nut!!!
But I must say, you have something there. I once dropped a glass coffee pot in my kitchen. It fell onto a little throw rug that I have by the sink....and it did indeed break. What a pain to clean up!! The glass was everywhere!
So your theory has been proven.
Fred, nice observant work on the goof!