Having the option to order by Priority Mail meant I got my new used copy of Columbo Phile today, and so two years after losing the old one, all is right in the Columbo universe with me again!
The condition is much better than the battered state my old one had fallen into. Those who see it for a price as low as $69 should get it, since that's almost half the cost of what it is most other places.
YAY ERIC!!! I am so happy for you!! I'm glad to hear that it is in such great shape....but it still would have been funny if it had turned out to be the one you lost.
As I have said, mine is a sad little puppy,all frayed with loose pages and stuff....but I still love him.
Eric will you be sleeping with your copy tonight??
And sabra...the book is out of print...so no use looking in the bookstore...the best bet is amazon or ebay...good luck.