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Re: Columbo Phile-Got My Copy!!!

do you know if they sell the book in border's or barnes and noble??? im dying to get a copy

Re: Columbo Phile-Got My Copy!!!

YAY ERIC!!! I am so happy for you!! I'm glad to hear that it is in such great shape....but it still would have been funny if it had turned out to be the one you lost.
As I have said, mine is a sad little puppy,all frayed with loose pages and stuff....but I still love him.
Eric will you be sleeping with your copy tonight??

And sabra...the book is out of no use looking in the bookstore...the best bet is amazon or ebay...good luck.

Re: Re: Columbo Phile-Got My Copy!!!

Thanks! :) And for those who want to get it at the low price, here's the link for the one remaining $69 copy.